You're watching BBC World News, our headlines this hour.
President Trump says he's decided against enforcing a quarantine on America's worst affected State New York.
特朗普总统表示 他决定不对美国受影响最严重的纽约州实施隔离
The number of coronavirus related deaths in the US has now surged past 2000 doubling within just two days.
在美国 与冠状病毒相关的死亡人数在短短两天内就超过了2000人
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned the coronavirus crisis will get worse before it gets better.
英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊警告说 冠状病毒危机在好转之前会变得更糟
He's urged everyone in Britain to stay at home to save lives.
In Europe the number of people killed by the virus has now risen above 20,000 with both Italy and Spain reporting more than 800 deaths in one day alone.
在欧洲 死于该病毒的人数现已超过2万人 意大利和西班牙报告称 仅一天内就有800多人死亡
And a cruise ship stranded off the Panamanian coast when several Latin American countries refused to let it dock over.
一艘游船在巴拿马海岸搁浅 因为几个拉丁美洲国家拒绝让它靠岸
COVID-19 fears will now be allowed to continue its journey through the Panama Canal.
Those are the headlines on BBC World News.