This is BBC news the headlines.
Britain's prime minister Boris Johnson has admitted that his government didn't understand the nature of the coronavirus pandemic in its first few weeks and months.
英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊承认 他的政府在冠状病毒大流行的最初几周和几个月里并不了解疫情的性质
Speaking exclusively to the BBC, Mr Johnson also said there were open questions about whether the lockdown had been imposed too late.
在接受BBC独家采访时 约翰逊还表示 封锁命令是否实施得太晚还存在疑问
U.S federal officials have repossessed the Chinese consulate in Houston days after president Trump ordered its closure.
特朗普总统下令关闭中国驻休斯敦领事馆几天后 美国联邦官员重新收回了该领事馆
As diplomatic relations between the world's two largest economies continue to deteriorate, China has retaliated by ordering the U.S to close its consulate in the city of Chengdu.
随着世界上最大的两个经济体之间的外交关系继续恶化 中国下令关闭美国驻成都领事馆 以此进行反击
And authorities in Iraq have created a city in the desert to bury the record number of people who've died from coronavirus.
Doctors have issued a stark warning that a return to normal life would be premature as COVID cases soar.
医生们警告说 由于新冠病例激增 恢复正常生活还为时尚早