Voice 1: Other communities have experienced similar results. According to the United Nations, communities with more toilets experience less disease. The rates of food poisoning, diarrhoea, cholera and typhus have dropped in these communities.
声音1:其他社区也产生了类似的结果 。联合国的数据显示,拥有更多厕所的社区感染的疾病更少 。这些社区的食物中毒、腹泻、霍乱和斑疹伤寒的发病率都有所下降 。
Voice 2: So, the next time you flush think about how important that flush is!
Voice 1: Would you like to learn more about toilets and the World Toilet Summit? Would you like to get involved in providing toilets for people who do not have one? Please look to the script page for this program on our website. There, you will find links to websites that can help get you involved.
声音1:想了解更多有关厕所和世界厕所峰会的信息吗?你愿意为没有厕所的人提供厕所吗?请查看我们网站上本期节目的文本页面 。在那里,大家会找到一些网站的链接,可以帮助你们参与其中 。