Voice 2: Government officials especially need to consider these matters carefully. They need to examine every step of the food production process in their country. And they need to act to reduce the causes of food waste. But food waste is a matter that we can think about too. What steps do we take to avoid wasting food? Is there anything we need to change to prevent unnecessary waste?
声音2:政府官员尤其需要谨慎考虑这些问题 。他们要检查国家食物生产流程的每个步骤 。他们还要采取措施减少食物浪费 。而食物浪费也是我们可以思考的问题 。我们能采取什么措施来避免浪费食物?我们能改变什么来阻止不必要的浪费?
Voice 1: Be sure the food you buy looks fresh and well kept. Take it home quickly, keeping it cool. At home, use good containers to store your food. Do not store food on the floor. Keep food in a cool place. If you have a refrigerator, make sure that the temperature is correct. Then you can use the food before it goes bad.
声音1:确保你购买的食物外观新鲜且保存良好 。迅速将食物带回家中,将食物冷藏起来 。在家里用优质的容器储存食物 。不要把食物放在地上 。要把食物放在阴凉处 。如果你有冰箱,要确保冰箱的温度设置正确 。要在食物变质前食用 。
Voice 2: When you go to buy food, make a list of what you need. Only buy what you will use. Then you should avoid having waste food left over.
声音2:在你去买食物时,列出你要买的食物清单 。只买需要的食物 。你要避免剩下食物导致食物浪费 。