Voice 3: "In youth we learn. In age, we understand." Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
声音3:“年轻时,我们学习 。年老时,我们领悟 。”——玛丽·冯·爱伯纳-艾森巴克
Voice 6: "It takes a long time to become young." Pablo Picasso
声音6:“一个人要历经漫长的时间才能培养出年轻的心态 。”——巴勃罗·毕加索
Voice 5: "Youth is wasted on the young." George Bernard Shaw
声音5:“青春在年轻时被挥霍 。”——乔治·萧伯纳
Voice 5: "It is easy to trick young people. They are too quick to believe in things." Aristotle
声音5:“欺骗年轻人很容易 。因为他们太容易相信 。”——亚里士多德
Voice 2: "Youth is the time of life when you can feel hopeless. The end of every experience can seem like the end of the world. But during this, we learn the power of hope. We learn that the heart can survive anything. And that can give us courage as we grow older." GK Chesterton
声音2:“青春是你能感觉到无助的那段时间 。每段经历的结束可能看起来都像是世界末日 。但是,这些经历让我们了解了希望的力量 。我们了解到,我们的心脏可以承受住任何事情 。这会在我们的成长道路长给我们勇气 。”——G·K·切斯特顿
Voice 1: Well, those sayings are very interesting. And I do not feel so bad about getting old now - I think!
声音1:这些格言非常有意思 。现在我感觉变老也不是那么糟糕!
Voice 2: Good. Well that really is all we have time for today. Thank you for listening!
声音2:很好 。我们今天的节目真的要结束了 。谢谢大家的收听!