Voice 1: Paula Hall is a Relationship Psychotherapist. She helps married people. Paula offers advice on the Internet. She says the most common areas of disagreements are money, housework and sex. But she says that often these arguments have deeper roots. For example, a husband and wife may argue about money. But the real problem could be about a person’s sense of value or power in the relationship. Paula says,
声音1:宝拉·霍尔是恋爱心理治疗师 。她为已婚人士提供帮助 。宝拉在互联网上提供建议 。她说,最常见的分歧是金钱、家务和性 。但她同时指出,这些分歧往往有更深的根源 。比如,丈夫和妻子可能会为钱争吵 。但真正的问题可能涉及一个人的价值观或在这段关系中的权力 。
Voice 3: "We all need to feel valued as human beings. But there are times when the way our husband or wife spends money can make us feel worthless."
声音3:“作为人类,我们都需要感受到自己的价值 。但有时我们的丈夫或妻子的花钱方式会让我们感觉自己没有价值 。”
"Often the real issues are about fairness, respect, care and love."
“真正的问题往往与公平、尊重、关心和爱有关 。”