"If you look around this event, it's a really sort of exciting environment.
And we get to talk to Gigi Gorgeous, who is one of the biggest YouTube beauty gurus out there."
我们采访了Gigi Gorgeous,她是YouTube上超火的一个美妆博主
"Hi. Nice to meet you. Gigi. I'm Joss."
"If the internet hadn't come around, what do you think beauty culture would be like?"
"It really was very rare to see a boy in makeup or, you know, a brand stepping behind a transgender woman.
I feel like the times kind of pushed that along, but I also feel like the internet did.
Because along with these beautiful, stunning looks that are being created
are also these stories that are being told by the people doing them."
"I have felt for a very long time now that I was a girl trapped inside of a boy's body."
"I'm really excited just today to talk about my mom. Ah! This literally smells like her."
"I think that that instantly kind of connects you in a way where it's no longer fan and talent.
It's literally family and, like, friend."
"And that's what the online community feels like sometimes, a group of friends all getting ready together and swapping tips."
Consumers are more informed than they've ever been.
They can take these tools and change the way they present themselves to the world.
But if you look at it another way,
then it's this constant cycle that ultimately is costing women big chunks of their paycheck,
but also something that's more valuable, which is the space in their mind."
"If you're like me, you're spending hours on your phone every day.
Last week I spent six and a half hours on Instagram.
Which means we're constantly faced with images of other people to compare ourselves to.
And a lot of the time, with the advent of filters,
those images are full of subtle, little changes, like this skin smoother I've been using.
And if everyone around you is making subtle tweaks to their face,
it can warp your understanding of yourself and how you fit in.
If you're thinking, sure, but we've always compared ourselves to pretty people.
That's true, but there's evidence to suggest it's even more concerning online.
One study found it made women feel worse when they compared themselves to beautiful peers on social media
as opposed to beautiful celebrities in traditional media like magazines and in movies.
Researchers think that's because our peers on social media feel like more relevant comparisons.
They feel more like us.
And then there's all the likes and comments.
Another study found that seeing someone leave a compliment
like, "You look amazing!" on a pretty woman's photo on Instagram, made the viewer less happy with their own body.
I leave comments like that on my friends' posts all the time, and I really didn't realize it was having this effect.
It makes sense that the more we compare ourselves to good-looking people,
the more dissatisfied we are, and the more beauty work it feels like we have to do to keep up.
And I should also say, I'm wearing makeup on a professionally lit set.
So, I have no high horse here."
"This says, 'Youth activating concentrate.'
Because there's a 23-year-old inside me.
You just have to activate it with something like this."
I do use this often 'Cause it feels really good. It's super cold."
"What is its objective?"
"I'm sure it does nothing."
"Skincare is really expensive.
My facial oils are an investment, and it's just never-ending in the name of self-care."
"I see these lines, and they're just gonna get worse and worse and worse.
And I should actually love them and accept them because they're lines that are actually the result of my life.
But they really, really bother me, and now it's the first thing that I see."
"I see my boyfriend just roll out of bed and take a shower and go to work.
And when I watch him do that I wonder, you know, not why can't I do that, but why does it feel so bad when I do?"
"Hello." "Hey."
"So we're gonna talk about the bigger context here." "Okay."
"Recently, a group of computer scientists figured out a way to analyze the language
that writers use when they describe men and women in three and a half million books in English.
We're talking about both nonfiction and fiction books.
So what they did is they pulled out the 200 adjectives that were most uniquely used to describe men and women.
And what they found was that of those words,
the ones used to describe women were twice as likely to be about their physical appearance or their bodies."
"Mm. Pretty, fair, beautiful, lovely, charming-- those are all kind of words describing appearance.
Whereas like faithful, responsible, grand, worthy, adventurous,
these are all, like, character judgments of who someone actually is."
"Mm-hmm. And these are books that were published between the years 1500 and 2008.
So what about today?
Well, in 2017, the Pew Research Center did a survey of American adults, and they asked this really interesting question,
which was, 'What traits do people in our society value most in men and in women?'" "Okay."
"Now, this was an open-ended question, meaning people could write anything.
But you guys are gonna do the multiple choice version.
What do you guys think the top six responses were?"
"Strength and toughness I feel like is not gonna be on the female list for what people value."
"Yeah, that's gotta be off the list." "And ambition. People hate those things in women."
"Wow, it's just so hard to listen to this."
"You both have six down. You good with them?"
"All right, should Joss and I rearrange?"