I cant' believe this. I'm a politician!
You can see the excitement!
Look at those hands. Are they small hands?
看看这双手 。这是一双小手吗?
People want to move, people want to move to Canada.
大家都想移民了,大家都想移民到加拿大去了 。
They're not acting like politicians, they're acting like middle school kids.
他们根本就不像一群政治家,他们的行为跟一群中学生一样幼稚 。
If Donald Trump is President, it's going to be a really big disaster and I'll probably have to leave the country.
唐纳德·特朗普要是当上了总统,那我们就玩完儿了,我可能就要移民了 。
Where would you go?
I'm going to Canada.
去加拿大 。
You're going to move to Canada?
I love Canada.
我爱加拿大 。
28% of Americans say they'll move to Canada if Donald Trump is elected president,
15% if Hillary is elected president.
而希拉里对应的数据是15% 。
I agree, I would move too.
我同意,是我我也会走的 。
We brought the immigration forms.
我们给他们拿了移民表格 。
I have application forms for permanent residency in Canada.
我这里有申请在加拿大永久居住的申请表 。
Would you fill them out?
And they were like, hell yeah.
大家的反应都是,管他呢,那就填呗 。
Like it would be a great reality show, like I would watch that show,
it would be very well written, honestly, if it was a reality show, but it's real life.
如果这真是一场真人秀的话,那它的剧本肯定是很好的,但这TM就是现实啊 。
I mean, I was shocked that people actually filled them out.
我想说的是,大家竟然真的填了表,这让我很震惊 。
But what do we do now, what do we do with them?
Right. Yeah we didn't think about that.
是啊,这点我们倒没有想过 。
There is one person we could ask.
我们倒是可以问问一个人 。
You can't just text the Prime Minister.
你不会要直接给首相发短信吧 。
Perfect day.
今天天气实在是太好了 。
So glad to be here.
能来这里我很荣幸 。
Justin Trudeau. Prime minister of Canada.
贾斯汀·特鲁多 。加拿大总理 。
Hearthrob phenom who rode a wave of flowers and sunshine to victory last fall.
去年秋天赢得了众人好评的国民老公 。
He’s such a phenomenon that he inspired this: Could you run for President here?
No no no, you know what, you know what. I was trying to interview him.
不不不不不,你知道吗……你知道吗……我本来是要采访他的啊 。
We will literally beg you. Please. Please. Please. Ok. Ok. Get up guys.
算我们求你了好吗 。求你了求你了求你了 。好吧,好吧 。你们先起来 。
I don't know if you noticed but I actually have a job and it's a pretty good one.
不知道你们知不知道,我在加拿大已经有工作了,而且是一份很好的工作 。
Once I got him away from the thronging bros, I asked him about the impending 86.8 million Americans.
我好容易才让他从那群哥们儿中间脱身,一出来我就问他即将移民到美国的8680万美国人怎么办 。
That's like so many millions of Americans, just like....
If you remember George W Bush's election, George W Bush's reelection, especially,
there was a lot of people saying, "Oh, no. If he gets elected again I'm moving to Canada."
那个时候就有很多人说,“不是吧 。他要是连任了,我就搬到加拿大去 。”
Then other people were saying the same thing around Obama and Obama's reelection.
后来,奥巴马当选以及连任的时候,其他人也是这么说的 。
But, you know, if you actually look at what happens after elections, the immigration numbers don't necessarily spike.
但如果你真的了解选举之后的情况,那你就会发现移民数字并没有飙升 。
So we've actually talked to New Yorkers. Do you mind if I share their messages with you?
话说,其实我们已经和《纽约客》沟通过了 。你要不要看下我们街访的视频?
Hey Prime Minister Trudeau.
首相特鲁多您好 。
Please help us. Please help us.
求你棒棒我们 。帮帮我们吧 。
If you can grant me refugee status from Donald Trump, I'm totally going to move to your country.
如果你能给我发难民证,我绝对会搬到你的国家的 。
Let all Americans come to Canada so we can be safe, happy and free.
请允许我们所有美国人都搬到加拿大吧,这样我们就可以安全,快乐和自由了 。
You had a quote that your cabinet is diverse because it's 2016,
like that's the kind of thing we need, we need to move forward and be more inclusive. so...
Move that border we don't want no border between us anymore,
we don't want that, we want one country, one nation, one president.
我们不要那个,我们要一个国家,一个总统 。
If things go rogue, you know, in that bad direction...
Save us.
救救我们 。
Save us from Trump.
让我们离开特朗普 。
Please save us. Thank you.
救救我们吧 。谢谢 。
What do you make of that?
This actually gives me tremendous confidence.
这实际上给了我巨大的信心 。
Really? Yeah.
是吗?是的 。
Because people are realizing, you know, that this election does matter, and they have strong opinions,
and people who might not have thought about voting are now going to make sure that their voices get heard,
and they're going to make sure that the government that gets elected in the United States reflects their values and their priorities,
and that's what democracy is supposed to be all about.
这恰好就是民主原本应有的内涵 。
We had, you know, difficult, discussions in our election campaign, we've had challenges around all sorts of things,
and I think the sense is that we're a place that has been able to work through it and work it out a little bit better than some other places,
because Canada is one of countries that figured out a fair while ago
that differences and diversity are actually a source of strength, not a source of weaknesses,
and when you draw people together with a whole bunch of different perspectives, but a similar desire to succeed and create a good future for themselves and their neighbors,
there's a lot of good things that happen.
一连串的好事就会接踵而至 。
Not many countries beat Canada in terms of immigration.
在移民数量上,没有几个国家能赛过加拿大 。
1 in 5 Canadians weren't born there and I out of 10 refugees resettled across the world is resettled in Canada.
加拿大有五分之一的人口都不是在加拿大出生的,而且,全世界重新定居下来的难民中每十个人就有一个是重新定居在加拿大的 。
And yet all of this diversity is not causing the chaos that many people feared.
然而,所有这些多样性并没有像许多人担忧的那样引发混乱 。
And that diversity now shows up in its leadership.
现在,这种多样性已经蔓延到了这个国家的领导层 。
One of the first things that Justin Trudeau did as Prime Minister was design a diverse cabinet of an equal amount of men and women.
贾斯汀·特鲁多上任后的第一件事就是组建了一个男女人数相同的多元化内阁 。
So what would the world look like if every cabinet or every office was 50/50.
First of all, citizens around the world would be more comfortable that their issues might be noticed and taken seriously.
首先,世界各地的公民会更加放心,他们的问题就有可能被注意到并被认真对待 。
I mean, quite frankly we need a new set of solutions.
我的意思是,坦率地说,我们是需要一套新的解决方案的 。
I mean, if we know that Einstein was right,
the problems we have created for ourselves can't be solved at the same level of thinking that created those problems,
well, I mean, we need to try a different approach that's much more heterogeneous in our decision making.
那么,在进行决策的时候,我们就得尝试其他更加异质的方式去解决问题 。