They eventually negotiated a series of peace deals
and a part of those deals was that China was going to give this rocky island that didn't really have many people living on it, to Britain.
而协议的部分内容就包括,中国把这个山石嶙峋,当时并没有多少人居住的小岛让给英国 。
In the text of the treaty, they put that the British will have Hong Kong for 99 years,
but the diplomat who negotiated the treaty said later that in his mind ninety-nine years was quote "as good as forever."
但参与谈判的外交官后来表示,在他看来,“九十九年”就相当于“永远” 。
Meaning no intention of ever giving it back.
意思就是,英国根本没打算到时候把香港还给中国 。
So Britain's thirst for tea brought them into a war with China that eventually gave them a new colony: Hong Kong, here in Asia.
一句话,英国人对茶的渴望推动他们对中国发动了战争,而这场战争最终为他们带来了一块新的亚洲殖民地:香港 。
Hong Kong, a British colony, a tourist paradise for duty-free shoppers.
香港,英国殖民地,游客们的免税天堂 。
China, communist China, lies only a few miles away just across the border.
中国,信仰共产主义的中国,就在香港边境几英里之外 。
Just walked into the grocery store to meet Billy, who's a historian here
and we're just looking at a bunch of maps, which is like my kind of activity.
我们就在一起就只是看各种各样的地图,这个我在行啊 。
So one of the things the British did as soon as they got here,
is they started drawing their own borders in the city to divide them from the local Chinese.
开始在城市里划分边界,将他们自己与当地华人隔开 。
Now let's talk about tea again.
现在我们回到茶这个话题上 。
It remains a symbol as to the different cultures that exist here in Hong Kong.
如今,茶仍然是香港多元文化的一个象征 。
British influence versus the Chinese influence.
它体现了英国影响力与中国影响力的对抗 。
The British prefer milk in their tea with crumpets and scones and little cakes.
英国人喜欢往茶里加牛奶,同时搭配松饼、司康饼和小蛋糕 。
Whereas the Chinese will tell you they do not pervert their tea with milk and they drink tea with dim sum, little buns and cakes.
中国人则会告诉你他们不会把牛奶和茶混在一起,他们搭配的是点心,包子和小糕点 。
A British tea situation looks very different.
英式喝茶的情形跟他们这边的非常不一样 。
These two traditions played out side-by-side in the city for many years.
但这两种传统已经在这座城市中并存了很多年 。
in a divided way with the Chinese down in their crowded slums drinking their tea in their tea houses
and the British up on the hills in their aristocratic homes sipping their milk tea,
but eventually over time those boundaries dissolved and the two cultures started to blend and fuse together.
然而,随着时间的推移,这些界限消失了,两种文化开始融合到一起 。
To where today, the tea culture has cropped up that is a perfect fusion of the two.
到了今天,两种习惯已经完美融合,而且孕育出了新的茶文化 。
But I hate to break it to you Britain, 99years is not forever, like the British diplomat thought it was going to be.
然而,虽然我不忍心告诉我们的英国观众,99年并不像英国外交官认为的那样永久 。
The actual handover ceremony is about to start.
交接仪式即将开始 。
British role officially comes to an end with a handover ceremony just before midnight.
在午夜前的交接仪式上,英国的将正式推出香港的舞台 。
A five star flag of China, soon to be sovereign over Hong Kong again.
中国的五星红旗,很快会收回香港主权 。
I should like on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and of the entire British people
to express our thanks, admiration, affection, and good wishes to all the people of Hong Kong.
向香港的所有市民表示我们的谢意、钦佩、感情和良好的祝愿 。
The stroke of midnight, the red star flag of China will go up.
随着午夜的临近,中国的红星旗将缓缓上升 。
For me, it was pure betrayal.
对我来说,这是纯粹的背叛 。
We're, like, being abandoned by the Brits.
就好像我们被英国人抛弃了一样 。
There was pride in this mix of like the Chinese values and I guess are the western values.
我们的价值观是融合了中国和西方两种价值观,这也是我们感到自豪的地方 。
An identity of a citizen is not, like, determined by your passport or something.
公民身份不是您的护照决定的 。
It's something that you treasure, the culture we are living in.
而是你珍惜的东西,是我们所在的文化背景 。
We feel lost in our identity.
我们有种身份失落之感 。
Our generation has very complicated identities. Yeah.
我们这一代的身份是非常复杂的 。没错 。
Britain giving Hong Kong back to China is the beginning of a new chapter for the city
and so next week I'm going to explain what happens when China tries to erase this border between Hong Kong and Mainland China
and how the people here are resisting.
以及香港当地人是如何反抗这种变化的 。