This is BBC world news, the headlines.
这里是BBC世界新闻头条 。
Democrats in the United States are getting closer towards impeaching Donald Trump.
美国民主党人离弹劾唐纳德·特朗普越来越近了 。
The House Judiciary Committee is debating two articles of impeachment, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
众议院司法委员会正在就滥用权力、妨碍国会两项弹劾条款进行辩论 。
And they are expected to approve them shortly.
预计他们很快就会通过这两项条款 。
Myanmar's leader Aung San Suu Kyi has urged the judges at the International Court of Justice to drop the genocide case against her country's military.
缅甸领导人昂山素季敦促国际法院法官撤销针对其国家军方的种族灭绝指控 。
She has been accused of turning a blind eye to the mass murder of Rohingya Muslims.
她被指控对罗兴亚穆斯林大屠杀视而不见 。
The New Zealand military have landed on White Island in a high risk operation
to retrieve eight unrecovered bodys of people killed by an eruption of the volcano on Monday.
目的是要找回周一在火山喷发中丧生的八个人的尸体 。
And lawyers have tentatively agreed to a $25m civil settlement with some of the women who say they were harassed or sexually assaulted by Harvey Weinstein.
律师们暂时同意与一些声称自己被哈维·韦恩斯坦骚扰或性侵的女性达成2500万美元的民事和解 。
The former film producer won't have to admit any wrongdoing.
这位前电影制片人将不必承认任何过错 。
And they are your headlines.
以上就是世界新闻头条 。