Reports Debunks Anti-Trump Plot in Russia Inquiry.
报告显示 俄罗斯调查并不存在所谓的反特朗普阴谋
By Charlie Savage, Adam Goldman and Katie Benner
F.B.I. officials had sufficient reason to open the investigation into links between Russia and Trump campaign aides in 2016
and acted without political bias, a long-awaited report said on Monday,
对2016年特朗普竞选助手与俄罗斯方面的联系展开调查,其调查过程也并不存在政治偏见 。
but it concluded that the inquiry was a rushed and dysfunctional process marked by serious errors in documents related to the wiretap.
但该报告在结论中还指出,调查进行得非常仓促且有违常规,与窃听有关的调查文件出现了重大失误 。
The exhaustive report by the Justice Department's independent inspector general, Michael Horowitz, faced an immediate challenge.
这份内容颇为详尽的报告出自司法部独立监察长迈克尔·霍洛维茨之手,但一经公布便立即受到了质疑 。
Attorney General William Barr sought to undermine the key finding
that investigators had an adequate basis to open the inquiry, known as Crossfire Hurricane.
即调查人员有充分的根据展开这次代号"火力飓风"的调查 。
"The inspector general's report now makes clear that the F.B.I. launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign
on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken,"
Mr. Barr, a close ally of President Trump who has begun his own re-investigation of the Russia inquiry, said in a statement.
身为特朗普总统的亲密盟友,现已自己着手重新调查俄罗斯调查一事的巴尔在一份声明中说道 。
Yet Mr. Horowitz stressed that the standard for opening an F.B.I. investigation was low —
echoing the sort of criticism that civil libertarians have made for years.
与主张公民自由的人士多年来反复批评的问题不谋而合 。
He also exonerated former F.B.I. leaders,
broadly rejecting Mr. Trump's accusations that they engaged in a politicized conspiracy to sabotage him.
基本等于否定了特朗普对他们参与了一起阻挠他的政治阴谋的指控 。
"We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation
influenced officials' decision to open the investigation," the report said.
政治偏见或不当动机左右了官员们展开调查的决定,”报告写道 。
At the same time, Mr. Horowitz's report was scathing about other aspects of the sprawling inquiry,
documenting serious and systematic problems with the F.B.I.'s handling
of applications to win court orders to wiretap Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser.
使用其调查工具时犯下了严重的系统性错误 。
Mr. Horowitz said investigators appeared to overstate the strength of their applications,
and he separately referred one low-ranking F.B.I. lawyer for possible prosecution for altering a related document.
此外,他还将一名级别较低的FBI律师列为了可能起诉的对象,理由是他篡改了一份相关的文件 。
By puncturing conspiracy theories promoted by Mr. Trump and his allies,
yet sharply criticizing law enforcement actions that have not been the subject of public debate,
Mr. Horowitz's mixed findings offered a basis for both critics and allies of Mr. Trump to claim vindication.
无论是对特朗普的批评者而言,还是盟友而言,霍洛维茨的调查结果都为他们提供了为自己辩白的理由 。
The report by an independent official presented a definitive accounting of the F.B.I.'s actions in the early stages of the Russia investigation.
对外界而言,FBI在俄罗斯调查初期究竟采取了哪些行动,出自独立官员之手的这份报告堪称给出了目前最佳的回答 。
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1.problems with sth. ……出现了问题
He began to turn over in the air when his chute opened, and there were problems with the lines at first.
降落伞打开之后,他开始在空中翻转 。最开始的时候,绳索出现了一些问题 。
2.handling of 对……的处理
The general subject here is the correct handling of contradictions among the people and those between ourselves and the enemy.
通常题目都是正确地处理人民内部的矛盾和敌我矛盾 。
3.the strength of ……的实力
Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. "
拉里贾尼称,美国对巴勒斯坦问题的处理不仅体现了实力的减弱,也体现了美国在伊拉克寸步难行”的处境 。
4.promoted by 推动;鼓吹
Moral relativism, cloaked in jargon, was on the march, promoted by the tedious, despicable know-alls of the supposedly educated classes.
道德相对主义,经由所谓的知识分子阶级之中乏味卑劣且自称无所不知的人一路炒作,正披着各种名义的外衣大步前行 。