By early 2017, a senior F.B.I. official was lamenting
that the bureau had botched an opportunity to question Mr. Kilimnik while he was in Washington for Mr. Trump’s inaugural.
联邦调查局浪费了在克里姆尼克前往华盛顿参加特朗普的就职典礼时盘问他的机会 。
Prosecutors have also scrutinized the effort by Mr. Manafort and Mr. Kilimnik
to drum up political consulting business with Kremlin-aligned political figures in Ukraine and Russia
在促成和乌克兰与俄罗斯境内,同克里姆林宫结了盟的政治人物之间的政治咨询关系方面的所作所为 。
who were pushing plans to end the simmering conflict between the countries.
当时,后者正在推动一项旨在结束两国之间酝酿已久的冲突的计划 。
Those so-called peace plans could have resulted in the easing of sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States —
a policy shift to which Mr. Trump had signaled an openness during the campaign
and one that would have been a major foreign policy victory for the Kremlin.
而这一政策转变原本也将成为克里姆林宫外交政策的一次重大胜利 。
In many ways, Mr. Kilimnik is an unlikely figure for such a pivotal role in an investigation that has shaped Mr. Trump’s presidency.
从很多方面看,克里姆尼克都不太像那种会在对特朗普总统任期发挥着决定性作用的调查中扮演至关重要的角色的人物 。
To some of those he encountered, he was an impish, 5-foot-tall cynic
whose American associates nicknamed him "Carry-on" or "KK"
and who was rejected for a job with an oil company in Moscow in late 2003 or early 2004 because he was seen as too meek.
而且,03年末,04年初,他还在应聘莫斯科一家石油公司的时候因为表现得过于温顺被拒绝了 。
At the same time, he did little to defuse long-running suspicions that he was a Russian agent.
与此同时,他基本没有做过任何消除外界长期以来对他是俄罗斯特工的怀疑的努力 。
And his involvement in discussions related to back-channel peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia
attracted attention from President Barack Obama’s National Security Council,
which saw him as a functionary for oligarchs working to sell out Ukraine to Moscow’s benefit,
a former United States official said.
一位前美国官员说 。
Mr. Kilimnik, 49, who has Russian citizenship, now lives in Moscow.
现年49岁的基利姆尼克拥有俄罗斯国籍,目前居住在莫斯科 。
He is unlikely to ever face obstruction of justice charges that the special counsel brought against him and Mr. Manafort.
他不太可能会主动站出来,直面特别检察官对他和马纳福特提出的妨碍司法公正的指控 。
And the once chatty operative —
who was known for kibitzing with reporters, diplomats and political consultants over WhatsApp and in the bar of the Hyatt hotel in Kiev —
has gone dark.
这次却选择了沉默 。
"There was talk of him being related to Russian intelligence agencies going as far back as the 1990s,"
said Michael R. Caputo, who traveled in the same circles as Mr. Kilimnik
when both worked in the Moscow offices of American pro-democracy groups in the years after the fall of the Soviet Union.
苏联解体后的几年里,两人都曾在几个美国民主团体驻莫斯科办公处工作 。
In Kiev, Mr. Kilimnik became a valued source for the political staff of the United States Embassy,
because he did not try to sugarcoat the financial motivations of the oligarchs who funded the political parties for which he worked,
said David A. Merkel, who handled Ukraine issues as a deputy assistant secretary of state for President George W. Bush.
曾身为乔治·W. 布什总统的副助理国务卿,负责处理乌克兰问题的大卫·A. 默克尔说 。
"The idea that he is some master spy seems hard to fathom," said Mr. Merkel, who was Mr. Kilimnik’s boss at one of the pro-democracy groups.
“那种认为他是特级间谍的想法似乎很难理解,”基利姆尼克工作过的一个美国民主团体的老板默克尔说 。
"I find it much more likely that these guys were pursuing business interests without regard to core patriotic beliefs."
“我倒觉得,这些人更有可能是在不顾核心的爱国主义信仰追求商业利益 。”
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1. drum up 招揽
Restarauts in London used to drum up customers in the economic downturn: letting customers decide how much they want to pay for their meal.
伦敦餐馆在经济萧条时期出绝招以招揽顾客:餐费随便顾客付 。
2.in many ways 从许多方面来看
Africa is in many ways going through something of an economic renaissance.
从许多方面来看,非洲都正在经历某种意义上的经济复兴 。
3. sell out 出卖
It was during this detainment that Lo was turned and sent back to Taiwan to convince his handler, Lo Chi-Cheng, to sell out his country.
就在这段时期里,罗彬成了反间谍并且回到台湾说服他的长官,罗正奇,出卖自己的国家 。
4. to someone's benefit 让某人得了好处
The lightning was to Tom's benefit, because it hit the robber who was about to shoot him.
没想到闪电让汤姆捡了个便宜,因为它刚好劈中了准备朝汤姆开枪的劫匪 。