Latest headlines for you from BBC news.
这里是BBC新闻的最新头条 。
The debate has began on capital hill of the articles of impeachment against president Trump.
国会就特朗普总统的弹劾条款展开了辩论 。
The Judiciary Committee of the US House Representatives will vote later, ahead of a vote in the full House next week.
美国众议院司法委员会将于下周全体众议院议员投票前进行投票 。
If the president is impeached, there will be a trail in the Senate in the new year.
如果特朗普总统被弹劾,参议院将在新年进行一场审判 。
Reports suggest Harvey Weinstein has reached a 25 million dollor settlement in a civil suit with dozens of alleged victims.
有报道称,哈维·韦恩斯坦与数十名受害者就一项民事诉讼达成了2500万美元的和解 。
He also faces criminal charge on charges of sexual assault.
他也面临着性侵犯的刑事指控 。
And the judge is increasing his bail from a million dollors to five million for violating his release conditons.
法官将他的保释金从100万美元提高到500万美元,理由是他违反了释放条件 。
The woman who effectively leads Myanmar has been defending her country against accusations of genocide at the Interantional Court of Justice.
这位缅甸实际女领导人一直在国际法庭上为她的国家辩护,反对种族灭绝的指控 。
Aung San Suu Kyi said military action against Rohingya Muslims in 2017 which killed thousands was a result of necessary operations against militants.
昂山素季表示,2017年针对罗辛亚穆斯林的军事行动导致数千人死亡,这是针对激进分子的必要行动的结果 。