Solitaire is one of the most popular computer games of all time, and we went to find the guy who created it.
纸牌游戏是有史以来最受欢迎的电脑游戏之一,这次,我们就踏上了寻找纸牌游戏发明者的旅程 。
"Yes, may I help you?"
Are you the person that wrote solitaire for Microsoft?
"Yes, but that was a long time ago."
“是的,不过已经是很久以前的事了 。”
We gotta talk. Can we come in?
我们得聊聊 。方便进来吗?
Great, thank you.
太好了,谢谢 。
Alright, this is Wes.
嗯,这位是韦斯 。
"I'm Wes Cherry, and I wrote Windows Solitaire.
“我是韦斯·切里,Windows的纸牌游戏程序就是我写的 。
I wrote the game in 1988 as an intern.
1988年写这个游戏的时候我还在实习 。
Internships at Microsoft were really an all encompassing thing,
but I squoze it in there in the few little hours of my free time."
那个程序是我在一点一点的闲暇时间里挤出来的 。”
For those who need a refresher, Solitaire was played on the computer using a mouse.
那些需要复习什么是纸牌游戏的同学都听好了,它是一个用鼠标玩儿的电脑游戏 。
Cards are pulled from the deck in an effort to stack cards in order by suit.
具体操作就是从牌堆中抽牌,然后按花色顺序将牌连起来 。
And if you won, you got an awesome display of cards cascading towards you.
要是你赢了,就会看到一叠卡牌沿着非常漂亮的路线向你飞过来 。
"I came up with the idea to write Solitaire for Windows out of boredom, really.
“我是无聊才想出了这个给Windows写纸牌游戏的主意的,真的 。
There wasn't many games right at the time so we had to make them.
那个时候能玩儿的游戏还不多,所以我们必须得发明一些 。
In the mid to late '90's was just when people started really getting computers in their home.
90年代中后期,大家都开始给家里装电脑了 。
Microsoft officially said that Solitaire was there to teach people how to use the mouse.
微软官方表示,这个游戏是来教大家熟悉鼠标的用法的 。
But, in reality it was just really just something to have fun with.
但实际上,这个游戏都被大家拿来娱乐了 。
Before they ever released Windows, of course Bill Gates got a shot at it.
微软发布Windows之前,比尔·盖茨也试玩过这款游戏 。
His biggest complaint was that Solitaire was too hard to win."
他抱怨最多的就是这个游戏太难赢了 。”
And once people figured out the mouse, it became a favorite past time.
大家一旦掌握了鼠标的用法,这款游戏就变成了大家最喜欢的消遣方式 。
"The number of hours wasted on Solitaire is really countless.
“大家在这个游戏上浪费的时间数都数不过来 。
I can say that right after Solitaire was released in 1990, there was a world recession."
我敢说,1990年纸牌游戏发布以后,大家玩儿这个游戏玩儿得世界经济都衰退了 。”
So many people were playing it in the workplace that Wes came up with what he called "the boss key."
不少人上班都在玩儿这个游戏,于是,韦斯又发明了他所谓的“老板钥匙” 。
"Press the special key and a spreadsheet was come up, so it made it look like you were doing real work.
“按下这个特殊键,就会弹出一个表格,让你看起来就像在认真干活儿一样 。
But, Microsoft made my take it out."
但微软让我把这个功能给取消了 。”
Considering this game has been around for decades, you must have made a ton of money.
鉴于这个游戏已经面世几十年了,你肯定已经挣得盆满钵满了吧 。
"I was not paid not a single cent.
“我一毛钱都没挣到 。
At one time I said if I only got a penny per copy I would be very rich.
有次我都说,就算一台电脑只给一分钱,我现在肯定也已经很有钱了 。
So far, only 14 people have made good on that.
到目前为止,只有14个人给钱 。
I'm still waiting for the rest of you."
靠你们了 。”
Well, you heard the man.
嗯,大家都听见他的话了吧 。
Do you still work with computers?
"I work with Apple now."
“我现在跟苹果打交道 。”
"Apples, actually. And I own a cider."
“真正的苹果噢 。我搞了个苹果园 。”
Ah, Wes, there's something behind you.
啊,韦斯,你背后有东西 。
Wes, run!