I'm Ros Atkins with the headlines on BBC World News.
我是BBC世界新闻头条的罗斯·阿特金斯 。
The UN says government commitments made so far to reduce green house gas missions
will not be enough to restrict global warming to the limit agreed under the Paris Accord.
将不足以把全球变暖限制到巴黎协定中商定的限度 。
The Uk opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn says there is no place for Anti-jewish hatred, but refuses to apologize to the Jewish community.
英国反对派领袖杰里米·科尔宾表示,反犹太仇恨是不存在的,但他拒绝向犹太社区道歉 。
It comes off the Britain's most senior Jewish leader attack the Labour Party's record on antisemism.
这源于英国最高犹太领袖抨击工党以往反犹主义的行为 。
At least 18 people have been found dead in Albania after the strongest earthquake to hit the country in decades.
阿尔巴尼亚遭遇了几十年来最强的地震,现在已造成至少18人死亡 。
Rescue workers are continuing to search for survivors. Over 600 hundred people are being treated in hospitals.
救援人员仍在继续搜寻幸存者 。超过600人正在医院接受治疗 。
And a second senior offcial in Malta resigned as the police investigation into the murder of the journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia gathers pace.
随着马耳他警方对记者达芙妮·卡鲁安娜·加利齐亚谋杀案的调查加快速度,该国第二位高级官员辞职 。
Konrad Mizzi stepped down as tourist minister but denied any involvement in the case.
康拉德·米兹辞去了旅游部长一职,但他否认自己与此案有关 。