日期:2019-11-12 17:01



Thank you for being here. There is so much to talk about.
谢谢你们能来 今天有很多事情要聊
Thank you very much, let's get right into the news.
谢谢 现在直接看新闻吧
As you know, the pressure on president trump has reached an all-time high
你知道 川普面临着有史以来最大的压力
following a whistle-blower complaint that accused him of using his office for personal gain.
This morning the entire whistle-blower complaint was released to congress.
It alleges that trump pressured a foreign country to interfere in the upcoming election which if found to be true,
它宣称川普对一个国家施压 让其干涉即将到来的竞选 如果这是真的
I mean come on, it's true.
行了吧 这就是真的
This whistle-blower's complaint feels like it's true.
Also, is complaint really the right word to describe the president of the united states potentially violating his oath of office?
Like a complaint is when you go excuse me, i think this salmon is underdone. That is a complaint.
投诉就像是 不好意思 我觉得这条鲑鱼没熟 这是投诉
Now i know that it is a huge political story, it is.
现在我知道它是一个重大的政治故事 是的
But i still can't get over the fact that the whistle-blower's complaint sounds like
但我仍然无法接受这样一个事实 检举者的投诉听起来像
It could be the latest pick from Oprah's book club, doesn't it?
这可能是奥普拉读书俱乐部的最新选择 不是吗
It is a great read. I could barely put it down.
这本书很棒 我爱不释手
Now perhaps the biggest bombshell to come out of the whistle-blower's complaint is
the fact that white house lawyers were so concerned about trump's phone call with the ukraine,
that they hid the transcript in a top secret computer system.




They hid trump's embarrassing communications, which is weird because they know that we could all see his tweets, right?
他们藏了川普令人尴尬的通话 这很奇怪 因为他们知道我们都能看到他的推特 对吧
Not only did trump potentially commit an impeachable offense, his team then tried to cover up it.
不仅是川普潜在地犯下了可被弹劾的罪名 而且他的团队想要掩盖这件事情
And this is a big deal because that has only happened about a thousand times during the trump presidency.
这事关重大 因为在川普任期内 这种事只发生了大概1000次而已
With all this new information several democrats are pushing for an impeachment vote in the House as soon as october.
有了这些新信息 几位民主党人正在推动众议院最早于10月进行弹劾投票
So anything the House does will almost definitely be voted down by the Senate.
So this is all just a bit of fun, really.
这就有点意思了 真的
Now again this all started with a single whistle-blower.
And at that point nobody knows this person's identity.
而且在那时 没人知道这个人的身份
Although there's speculation that he or she is part of the intelligence community.
尽管有人猜测 他或她是智能团体的一份子
So at the very least since it involves intelligence we can rule out all of trump's kids.
由于它涉及到智力 那么至少我们可以将川普所有的孩子排除在外
Now the whistle-blower remains anonymous. Or as trump would say. Anamus-- anomonus.
现在检举者仍然是匿名的 用特朗普的说法就是 匿 名
There is currently a strong push to have the whistle-blower testify in front of congress.
目前 人们强烈要求检举者到国会作证
Now i understand that it is important to protect their identity, but this seems a little excessive, doesn't it?
现在我知道了为什么保护他们的身份是重要的 但是这就有点过分了啊
Moving on, in science news a study has just come out showing that for most people a glutenfree diet has zero health benefits. Yeah.
接着看科学新闻 一项刚发表的研究称 对大多数人来说 无麸质饮食没有任何好处 是的
Our thoughts and prayers are with the citizens of los angeles in this difficult time.
在这个艰难的时候 我们的思念和祈祷与洛杉矶市民同在
I don't know if this study is going to change anything.
Look, being glutenfree isn't about being healthy, it is about being better than other people.
无麸质饮食和健康没什么关系 它主要是为了表明人们要比别人更高级
According to the study, and this is true it costs three times as much to avoid eating gluten.
据研究表明 这是真的 无麸质饮食花费的钱是麸质饮食的三倍
Yeah, that is a lot of bread for not a lot of bread.
是的 这就是很多面包和不是很多面包的差别
And finally we wanted to tell but this.
最后 我们要讲这个新闻
A woman in louisiana was at a truck stop petting zoo recently, that's not the funny part.
路易斯安那州的一名妇女最近在一个宠物动物园的卡车停靠站 这不是有趣的部分
A truck stop petting zoo. The woman then trespassed into the enclosure of a camel.
宠物动物园的卡车停靠站 那个女人随后闯入了骆驼圈
That is still not the funny part.
But was caught by surprise when the camel sat on her, that's still not the funniest part.
但是没想到骆驼竟坐在了她的身上 这还不是最有趣的部分
So she was trapped and she couldn't get away, so she did the only thing she could to escape, she bit the camel's testicles.
所以她被困住了 她无法逃脱 所以她做了唯一能逃脱的事 她咬了骆驼的睾丸
I don't even have a joke here, i'm just letting you know what works in case you get stuck in the same situation.
我不是在开玩笑 我只是想让你知道万一你陷入同样的情况下时如何自救
She bit the testicles of a truck stop camel.
In her defense, that is probably the healthiest thing you can eat at a truck stop.
And on the plus side, definitely glutenfree.
