日期:2018-06-26 16:02



Von Miller, everybody!
掌声欢迎 冯·米勒
How are you? Thanks for being here!
你好 谢谢你能来
We really appreciate you coming down!
Now, two nights ago you were named MVP at the super bowl!
两天前 你被选为超级碗的最有价值选手
Absolutely incredible!
I've got your stats here.
It was two and a half sacks and two forced fumbles, which honestly sounds like my sex life.
两次半擒杀 两次逼掉对手的球 听起来简直跟我的性生活一样
How was it? How was it when you won?
那时感觉怎么样 知道最后赢球的时候
What have you been doing sense?




It was amazing. I just spent the time with my teammates.
我太激动了 我就跟队友呆了一会儿
I spent all this time. We put in all this work together.
You know I wanted to celebrate with those guys.
That is what I have been doing.
And how did you celebrate that night—on super bowl night? What did you do?
你们那天怎么庆祝的——超级碗那天 你们去玩了些什么
Well, that night was a little bit different for me.
I spent a lot of time with my mom.
She's been to every single football game I've had.
Not only football game. Track meets, basketball.
不仅仅是橄榄球赛 田径运动会 篮球赛 都会去
It was a moment I had with my mom.
Yeah. I love that.
Now you are renowned as much for your playing as your incredible sense of style.
如今 大家称道的不只是你的球技 还有你的穿衣打扮风格
Look at this guy. Now look.
I have some pictures here of some looks where honestly I really feel like if I tried to pull them off,
我这有几张照片 我觉得如果这些我来穿的话
I would look like I'm trying to go through some kind of breakdown.
But you, look at this. Look, this is the coolest look I've ever seen.
但你穿就不一样了 看这张 这张我觉得是我见过最帅的打扮
On the red carpet, he looks good.
红毯上 很帅
Just waiting to board the plain, he looks good.
等飞机 还那么帅
This might be my favorite. This might be my favorite.
这个大概是我最喜欢的了 这个
Look at this. Double denim.
看 牛仔两件套
Where does your style come from? Where does it come from?
你从哪里学的这些穿搭呢 谁教你的
I mean, it's me. It's Von.
是我自己喜欢的 这就是冯的风格
That's all I know how to be is totally unique to myself.
I'm just trying to be me to the fullest. So that's where it comes from.
我就是想把这样一种想法发挥到极致 所以我就这样打扮
Now you have a fantastic array of glasses
which I'm sort of thinking about getting into myself
and I thought I've got some here that we could maybe try out together
我这里准备了一些 我们可以一起试
and see which way you want to take your look and where I should take my look.
看你适合什么样的 还有我适合什么样的
Do you know what I mean?
Like, I think now you're the M.V.P., now you're just the main dude, you can rock something like this.
你是最有价值选手 那我觉得 你可以驾驭得了这种
Let's see what these. Let's see what these look like when they're on.
看这个 看这个怎么样
Yes! Yes!
帅 帅
Those feel good?
Yeah, they feel pretty good.
Those feel good?
Yeah, yours look good, too.
喜欢 你的也不错
Yeah? Mine is sort of phantom of the opera chic and yours is an Elton John throwback.
真的吗 我感觉我像是歌剧《时尚》里的幽灵 而你是艾尔敦·约翰再世
What is annoying is you even make those kind of work. Do you know what I mean?
最可怕的是你居然还会自己做这些东西 你们知道吗
Now, look. What about this?
看这个 这个怎么样
This is something that for you might be a good way to go.
Maybe I should go for something like this. Look. Just sort of prep it.
我应该可以试试这个 看 准备
Oh! Yes!
哇 真帅
I mean, because then you could become a thing, the ice cream guy,
you know, Von, 2016, cool, baby!
2016年的帅哥 冯 太酷了
What about one more? One more you've got your eye on.
再来一个怎么样 你看上哪个
You can take all of these with you, Von. You can rock them.
随便选一个就行 你都能驾驭的了
Oh, nice. Very nice.
好 可以
I could have worn these anywhere.
Reg! I mean, seriously!
雷吉 你看 真的
Yeah, yeah, that's pure illness.
嗯 真的好看
It's incredible. I don't know anyone who could—
太帅了 我觉得在没有任何人可以——
You should take those with you. They look incredible.
你应该把这些都带走 你戴着都好看
