At a hearing on Thursday in federal court in Northern Virginia,
prosecutors argued that the men were flight risks, and a judge set bail at $1 million each.
检方称,二人存在潜逃风险,一名法官判定二人的保释金定为每人100万美元 。
Dressed in T-shirts, Mr. Fruman and Mr. Parnas were represented by two lawyers who defended Paul Manafort,
the president’s former campaign chairman who was convicted last year
in the same courthouse of financial crimes associated with his own work in Ukraine.
理由是其在乌克兰的工作涉嫌金融犯罪 。
A lawyer for the men, John M. Dowd, who was not at the hearing, declined to comment.
身为二人律师的约翰·M.多德没有出席听证会,也拒绝置评 。
His clients were ordered to appear in court on Thursday in New York, where the charges were filed.
其客户被命令周四出席纽约法庭的审讯,当初,对二人的指控就是提交给纽约法庭的 。
The work the two men did in Ukraine for Mr. Giuliani seems to have been a mixture of business and politics.
二人在乌克兰为朱利安尼所做的工作似乎包含商业和政治两个方面 。
Mr. Parnas advised Mr. Giuliani on energy deals in the region
and pursued his own in Ukraine even as he portrayed himself as a representative of Mr. Giuliani on the Trump-related matters.
然而,尽管他自称是朱利安尼在特朗普有关事务上的代表,他在乌克兰也有自己的生意 。
The indictment said Mr. Parnas acted “at least in part, at the request of one or more Ukrainian government officials.”
起诉书说,帕纳斯的行为“至少有一部分是应一名或多名乌克兰政府官员的要求做出的行为” 。
None were named, but Ms. Yovanovitch’s main critic in the Ukrainian government was Yuriy Lutsenko,
then the nation’s prosecutor general who himself has a history of wielding the law as a weapon in his personal political battles.
后者时任该国总检察长,而他本人就有滥用法律为他的个人政治斗争牟利的黑历史 。
Both Mr. Fruman and Mr. Parnas appear to have at least glancing contacts with Mr. Trump.
从表面来看,弗鲁曼和帕纳斯二人至少与特朗普有过短暂接触 。
Mr. Trump invited Mr. Fruman to a fund-raiser last year at the president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida,
he said in an interview with Forum Daily, a publication that bills itself as the “voice of Russian-speaking America.”
弗鲁曼曾在接受自称是“讲俄语的美国之声”——《论坛日报》采访时透露 。
The article featured a photograph of the two men, with the president giving a thumbs-up sign.
文章还刊登了二人的一张合照,总统则在照片中竖起了大拇指 。
Mr. Parnas posted a photo on Twitter this spring of himself with the president and wished Mr. Trump a happy birthday.
今年春天,帕纳斯曾在推特上发布了一张与总统的合影,祝特朗普生日快乐 。
“I am honored to call you Mr. President!!!” he wrote. “And my friend!!”
“很荣幸能同时称称您为总统!!”他写道 。“和我的朋友!!”
The president sought to distance himself from the men as he left the White House on Thursday en route to a political rally in Minnesota.
然而,周四总统在离开白宫前往明尼苏达州参加政治集会时有意要与二人保持距离 。
“I don’t know those gentlemen,” Mr. Trump said.
“我不认识这些人,”特朗普说 。
“Now it’s possible I have a picture with them because I have a picture with everybody.
“有我和他们的合照也是有可能的,因为我和每个人都有一张照片 。
I don’t know about them. I don’t know what they do. I don’t know, maybe they were clients of Rudy. You’d have to ask Rudy.”
我不了解他们 。也不知道他们是做什么的 。不知道,他们可能是鲁迪的客户 。这你得问鲁迪 。”
Mr. Giuliani said that no one from the Justice Department had contacted him about Mr. Parnas and Mr. Fruman.
朱利安尼表示,还没有司法部的人就帕纳斯和弗鲁曼的事联系他 。
“I have to presume they’re innocent,” he said.
“我得假设他们是无辜的,”他说 。
“None of those facts that I see there make any sense to me, so I don’t know what they mean.”
“在我看来,那些事实没有一件说得通,我并不知道它们是什么意思 。”
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1.be flight risks 面临审判或保释听证会却有可能潜逃出国的人
Aaron's a definite flight risk, I hear he's posted on monster.com.
亚伦绝对有潜逃的风险,因为我听说他都已经在monster.com上发帖了 。
2.be convicted of 被定罪
Scarcely a year previously, his father, Percival, had been convicted of a savage and well-publicized attack upon three young Muggles.
近一年前,他的父亲,珀西瓦尔,因为公然使用暴力攻击三个年轻麻瓜被定罪了 。
3.appear in court 出庭作证
Twelve women in central Johannesburg were allegedly lured to a hotel room and raped by a man due to appear in court next week.
据说,在Johannesburg中部12名女子被一名男子引诱到一酒店房间强奸了 。该男子将于下周出席法庭 。
4.en route to 在……途中
Fars said the aircraft, which was en route to Afghanistan, was forced to land at an Iranian airport that it did not name.
法尔斯报道说,这架飞机是在去阿富汗的途中被迫在伊朗某机场降落,但报道没有透露机场的名字 。