Ukraine Becomes Contested Point in Race for 2020.
By Lisa Lerer and Reid J. Epstein
DES MOINES — Allegations that President Trump courted foreign interference from Ukraine
to hurt his leading Democratic rival, Joseph R. Biden Jr., dominated presidential politics on Saturday,
特朗普寻求乌克兰介入美国大选,这些声音在周六的总统政务讨论会上格外显眼 。
as Mr. Biden demanded a House investigation of Mr. Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s leader,
as Mr. Trump lashed out, denying wrongdoing without releasing a transcript of the call.
特朗普痛斥了拜登的这一举动,矢口否认自己存在不当行为,但没有公布通话记录 。
With Mr. Trump seizing on a familiar defense, saying Democrats were undertaking a “witch hunt” against him,
Mr. Biden called on the House of Representatives to begin a new investigation
of whether the president sought the interference of a foreign government to bolster his re-election campaign.
寻求了外国政府的干预一事展开新的调查 。
“This appears to be an overwhelming abuse of power,” Mr. Biden said during a campaign swing in Iowa.
“这次似乎是一次滥用权力到了惊人的地步的行为,”拜登在爱荷华州的竞选活动中说道 。
“We have never seen anything like this from any president.”
“我们从未看到过任何一位总统有过类似行为 。”
Mr. Trump is said to have urged the Ukranian president on a July 25 phone call
to investigate Mr. Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, who did business in Ukraine while his father was vice president.
调查拜登的儿子亨特·拜登,其父担任副总统期间,此人曾在乌克兰经商 。
Mr. Trump’s request is part of a secret whistle-blower complaint in the intelligence community
that is said to involve Mr. Trump making an unspecified commitment to a foreign leader, according to two people familiar with the complaint.
据说特朗普对一位外国领导人做出了一项不明承诺,据两名知情人士透露 。
The sharp accusations between Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden elevated the president’s dealings with Ukraine as a potentially significant new issue in the presidential race,
and offered voters a preview of what is likely to be an extraordinary general election contest if Mr. Biden were to win the nomination.
也提前向选民们昭示了倘若拜登赢得了总统提名,总统竞选之争可能演变成怎样的局面 。
The controversy has focused on whether Mr. Trump manipulated foreign policy —
a military aid package to Ukraine had been delayed at the time of the phone call —
to pressure the country’s newly elected president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to take action to damage Mr. Biden’s election bid.
迫使该国新当选的总统沃洛迪迈尔·泽伦斯基采取行动,破坏拜登的竞选努力 。
On Saturday, Mr. Trump sought to deflect attention from that question by accusing Mr. Biden
of acting improperly as vice president in calling for the ouster of a Ukranian prosecutor
who had overseen an inquiry into corruption related to the oligarch whose company employed Hunter Biden.
而亨特·拜登曾在该寡头名下的一个企业供职 。
Mr. Trump described his conversation with Mr. Zelensky as “perfectly fine and routine.”
特朗普称,他与泽伦斯基的对话“完全没问题,都是常规的对话” 。
“Now that the Democrats and the Fake News Media have gone ‘bust’ on every other of their Witch Hunt schemes,
they are trying to start one just as ridiculous as the others, call it the Ukraine Witch Hunt,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter.
他们正试图发起一场和其他迫害计划一样荒谬的行动,我们就暂且称其为‘对乌克兰的政治迫害’吧 。”
He said that any effort to investigate him would fail,
comparing it to the investigation by Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, into his ties to Russia during the 2016 campaign.
为此,他还将这次调查与特别检察官罗伯特·S.穆勒三世对他在2016年大选时与俄罗斯的往来的调查对比 。
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1.campaign swing 竞选活动
Big crowds cheered both of the presidential candidates on Saturday as Mitt Romney began a cross-country campaign swing here.
周六,米特·罗姆尼开始在此地开展竞选活动时,两位总统候选人都赢得了大批民众的欢呼 。
2.lash out 猛烈抨击
People tend to lash out in tough times.
人们往往在困难时期的攻击性更强一些 。
3.deflect attention from 转移注意力
This is not the first time that Washington has used carefully timed announcements to deflect attention from its policies.
这已经不是美国政府第一次利用时机经过精心安排的公告来转移外界对其政策的关注了 。
4.offer a preview of 预示
Two events last week offer a preview of the web's location-aware future.
上周发生的两起事件向我们预示了基于地理位置的网络的未来是何面貌 。