They later planned to take power in March, the former officer said, but that plan leaked.
该前任军官还透露,他们后来又计划3月份夺取政权,但该计划被泄露了 。
Finally, the dissidents looked to the May 20 election, during which Mr. Maduro was re-elected, as a new target date.
最后,持不同政见者们又将目光瞄准了5月20日的大选,也就是马杜罗参加连任竞选那日 。
But again, word got out and the plotters held their fire.
然而,计划再次泄露,密谋者们只得继续按兵不动 。
It is unclear how many of these details the coup planners shared with the Americans.
关于政变的这些细节策划者们到底对美国人透露了多少尚不得而知 。
But there is no indication that Mr. Maduro knew the mutinous officers were talking to the Americans at all.
然而,目前没有任何蛛丝马迹能表明马杜罗知道反叛军官们与美方来往之事 。
For any of the plots to have worked, the former commander said, he and his comrades believed they needed to detain Mr. Maduro and other top government figures simultaneously.
这位前指挥官表示,他和他的战友们一致认为,上述任何一次行动要想成功,他们都需要同时扣押马杜罗和政府其他高层 。
To do that, he added, the rebel officers needed a way to communicate securely.
而要做到这一点,他补充到,反叛军官们就需要安全的沟通渠道 。
They made their request during their second meeting with the American diplomat, which took place last year.
去年与美国外交官第二次会面时他们提出了这一要求 。
The American diplomat relayed the request to Washington, where senior officials turned it down, American officials said.
那位外交官向华盛顿转达了请求,但被高层回绝了,据美国方面的官员们透露 。
“We were frustrated,” said the former Venezuelan commander. “There was a lack of follow-through. They left me waiting.”
“我们很失望,”那位前委内瑞拉指挥官说 。“他们没有展开后续行动,就让我干等着 。”
The American diplomat then met the coup plotters a third time early this year,
but the discussions did not result in a promise of material aid or even a clear signal that Washington endorsed the rebels’ plans,
according to the Venezuelan commander and several American officials.
据那位委内瑞拉指挥官和几位美国官员透露 。
Still, the Venezuelan plotters could view the meetings as tacit approval of their plans, argued Peter Kornbluh, a historian at the National Security Archive at George Washington University.
但乔治·华盛顿大学国家安全档案馆的历史学家彼得·科恩布鲁表示,委内瑞拉的政变策划者们还是可以将那几次会面视为美国默许了他们的计划 。
“The United States always has an interest in gathering intelligence on potential changes of leadership in governments,” Mr. Kornbluh said.
“But the mere presence of a U.S. official at such a meeting would likely be perceived as encouragement.”
“哪怕只是一位美国官员出席这样的会面都可能被视为对他们的纵容 。”
In its statement, the White House called the situation in Venezuela “a threat to regional security and democracy”
and said that the Trump administration would continue to strengthen a coalition of “like-minded, and right-minded, partners from Europe to Asia to the Americas
to pressure the Maduro regime to restore democracy in Venezuela.”
对马杜罗政权施加压力,迫使他们恢复委内瑞拉的民主 。”
American officials have openly discussed the possibility that Venezuela’s military could take action.
美国官员公开讨论了委内瑞拉军队采取行动的可能性 。
On Feb. 1, Rex W. Tillerson, who was secretary of state at the time, delivered a speech in which he said the United States had not “advocated for regime change or removal of President Maduro.”
2月1日,当时担任国务卿的雷克斯·W. 蒂勒森发表了讲话,期间表示美国并没有“倡导改变政权或推翻马杜罗总统 。”
Yet, responding to a question afterward, Mr. Tillerson raised the potential for a military coup.
然而,后来在问答问题时,蒂勒森先生又提高了发动军事政变的可能性 。
“When things are so bad that the military leadership realizes that it just can’t serve the citizens anymore, they will manage a peaceful transition,” he said.
“当局面糟糕到军事政权领导层都意识到它再也无法为公民服务时,他们就会选择和平过渡,”他说 。
Days later, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who has sought to shape the Trump administration’s approach toward Latin America,
wrote a series of Twitter posts that encouraged dissident members of the Venezuelan armed forces to topple their commander in chief.
发了好几条推文,鼓励委内瑞拉武装部队持不同政见的成员推翻他们的总司令 。
“Soldiers eat out of garbage cans & their families go hungry in Venezuela while Maduro & friends live like kings & block humanitarian aid,” Mr. Rubio wrote.
卢比奥写道:“在委内瑞拉,士兵们吃的都是垃圾桶里捡来的食物,他们的家人还在挨饿,马杜罗和他的朋友则过着国王般的生活,还阻止人道主义援助 。”
He then added: “The world would support the Armed Forces in #Venezuela if they decide to protect the people & restore democracy by removing a dictator.”
之后他又补充道:“如果委内瑞拉的武装部队决定推翻独裁者,保护人民,恢复民主,那么,全世界都会支持他们 。”
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1. take power 上台;执政
When he took power, Barack Obama was in third grade.
他上台的时候,奥巴马才上小学三年级 。
2. hold fire 按兵不动
The rate increase will be a disappointment to Indian business lobby groups that had been pushing the central bank to hold fire.
加息将令印度企业游说团体感到失望,他们曾力图说服印度央行按兵不动 。
3. be perceived as 被认为
"Smoking has been a part of our culture for so long it isn't perceived as being hazardous, causing illness or poisonous, " said the doctor.
“吸烟成为我们文化的一部分已经很久了,所以它在人们心中是无害,不会致病,也无毒 。”医生说道 。
4. advocate for 支持
Reportedly he privately has advocated for another round of government stimulus spending, but isn't willing to push for it in public.
据报道说,他私下支持又一轮的政府刺激消费,但他不想在公众里推行这计划 。