We are the only nunnery in all of the Himalayas doing deadly martial arts.
我们是喜马拉雅山地区唯一一个真正习武的尼姑庵 。
These nuns can even break bricks with their hands and the purpose behind this practice is sacred.
这些女尼甚至能徒手劈砖,但她们习武背后有着神圣的初衷 。
This is a lifelong vow that I made to the Drukpa Order and I am very proud of my practice.
我已经立誓要将此生献与竺巴派,我很自豪我选择了修行 。
My name is Jigme Yanching Kamu.
我叫吉梅·延青·卡穆 。
Jigme means fearless.
吉梅是无所畏惧的意思 。
I am a Kung Fu nun of the Drukpa Order.
我是竺巴派的功夫女尼 。
The Drukpa Order is a branch of Buddhism that has been around for thousands of years
but in 2008, the nunnery based in Katmandu, Nepal started to learn Kung Fu as part of their spiritual practice.
然而,2008年时,尼泊尔加德满都的尼姑庵开始将习武作为修行的部分内容 。
Eight hundred nuns are here in the Drukpa Order now.
现在,这里已经有800名女尼加入竺巴派 。
Jigme wanted to be a nun since she was a little girl.
吉梅从小就想当一名女尼 。
I was 10 years old when I became a nun.
我是10岁出的家 。
I consider all the nuns like my family.
在我眼里,所有女尼都是我的家人 。
No other nunnery in Nepal does Kung Fu training
and Jigme and her sisters go the extra mile to master this art form.
为了掌握这门艺术,吉梅和她的同门师姐妹付出了超乎寻常的努力 。
The Drukpa Order is not for lazy people.
竺巴派不适合懒人修习 。
We wake up at 3 a.m., we meditate, we bicycle, and we train for three hours.
我们凌晨3点就要起床 。起床后先冥想,然后骑车去上三个小时的功夫课 。
They run and climb up stairs to strengthen their bodies and they used sticks and fans to enhance their coordination.
他们通过跑步和爬楼梯强身健体,通过舞棍和舞扇增强协调能力 。
The hard work is rewarding.
辛苦是有回报的 。
And the purpose of training these nuns to fight all comes back to the philosophies of peace and equality.
训练这些女尼习武的目的则又回到了和平与平等的哲思之上 。
Kung Fu trains us to focus our minds for meditation.
习武能让我们在冥想时更专注 。
The nuns also take these philosophies and apply them to disadvantaged communities in Nepal.
这些女尼还将这一理念用到了帮助尼泊尔的弱势群体上 。
In 2015 when a devastating earthquake hit Katmandu, the nuns knew this was their call to action.
2015年,加德满都发生了一场毁灭性的地震,女尼们意识到,这是行动的召唤 。
When the earthquake hit, our Kung Fu training helped us to be brave and strong.
地震来袭时,日常的功夫训练为我们注入了勇气和力量 。
We went to many villages that many NGOs and governments thought were too dangerous. We brought many supplies.
我们去了许多非政府组合和政府都认为太过危险的村庄,送去了很多物资 。
We survived the landslides, avalanches and earthquakes.
山体滑坡、雪崩,地震,我们都一一挺了过来 。
The nuns also biked 14,000 miles throughout Nepal to protest against the human trafficking of women and girls.
女尼们还骑行了1.4万英里,前往尼泊尔各地抗议贩卖妇女和女童的行为 。
We talk about equality and safety.
我们就平等和安全等问题展开了讨论 。
We want to show everyone that if nuns can ride bicycles, then girls can do anything.
我们想告诉所有人,如果女尼都能骑自行车,那就没有女生做不到的事 。
I learned I can do anything a man can do.
我逐渐意识到,我丝毫不比任何男人逊色 。
Kung Fu has trained me to be confident, strong and happy.
习武给了我强健的体魄,也给了我自信和快乐 。
The teachings help me put my compassion into action.
教会了我要把同情心付诸实践 。
Helping others is my religion.
帮助他人就是我的信仰 。