日期:2019-09-09 17:57



Coming up next on Jonathan Bird's Blue World, a visit to the world's only undersea laboratory!
Hi, I'm Jonathan Bird and welcome to my world!
When I was a kid, I dreamed about exploring the ocean from an undersea lab, far away from the distractions of the world above.
That might seem like a science fiction fantasy—even less likely in fact than a space station.
As it turns out, a bunch of scientists and engineers thought an undersea lab might be a great way to study the ocean, and life in the ocean.
With funding from the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration, they created the Aquarius Reef Base near Key Largo, Florida. My childhood dream has become a reality.
Here, six people can live and work for weeks at a time without ever going to the surface.
Sure, it seems really cool, but to truly understand how this underwater habitat benefits the study of the ocean, you need to understand a little bit about the physiology of scuba diving.
Scuba gear has given humans the ability to explore the shallow parts of the ocean. We can hover weightless like fish, breathing underwater for as long as our scuba tank lasts—which is generally about an hour.
But even with a limitless scuba tank, we can't stay too long underwater because of a phenomenon called decompression sickness, or "the bends."
When I submerge underwater, the increasing water pressure at depth pushing in on my lungs won't allow me to breathe unless my regulator supplies air to me at the same pressure as the water around me.
The deeper I go, the more water pressure there is, and therefore the air I am breathing is at a higher pressure too—pushing out at the same pressure as the water pushing in.
Since about 79% of the atmosphere is composed of nitrogen, and our bodies can't metabolize nitrogen, all this high pressure nitrogen builds up in my muscles and other tissues when I dive.
If I stay underwater for too long, too much nitrogen builds up in my body.
When I come back to the lower ambient pressure at the surface, it can form bubbles in my blood, sort of like this.
These bubbles get stuck in small arteries and veins, blocking circulation and causing great pain.
But what if I didn't have to come back here to the lower pressure at the surface after a dive?
What if I stayed down there at a high ambient pressure by living in an undersea lab?
I could scuba dive all day long and never get the bends! That's the idea behind the Aquarius Reef Base.
The blue world team has been invited to film an Aquarius mission, so Cameraman Tim and I have come to Key Largo for an adventure.
We load the Aquarius support boat and join the staff as we depart from the dock for a 45 minute ride out to the Aquarius.
Once we clear the canal and reach the ocean, we still have a few miles to go.
The Florida keys have huge areas of shallow coral reefs before the sea floor drops off into deeper water. So Aquarius is located a bit further from shore than you might expect.
Our ride takes us over miles of beautiful coral reef. I can hardly contain my excitement to see this astonishing underwater habitat!
At last we reach the Life Support Buoy. This floating structure contains generators and compressors, supplying power and air to the Aquarius below. We tie our boat up to the Life Support Buoy.
Aquarius is sitting on the sea floor 60 feet beneath our boat.
Tim and I suit up and prepare to not only see Aquarius up close, but go inside to meet the team of divers called Aquanauts with whom we will be working for the week.
Well, I'm all geared up and ready to go. This is so cool, you have got to see this!




As soon as I hit the water I can see Aquarius directly beneath me in the clear water. It's almost like a submarine that doesn't move.
But unlike a submarine, the pressure inside Aquarius is the same as the pressure outside.
So even though there is an open hatch at the bottom of the habitat, water doesn't go in. This allows people to go in and out of Aquarius as much as they like.
Which is totally awesome!
So this is it! The Aquarius, amazing! I can come right in through an open hole in the floor, and yet, the water stays out, that's cool.
Now, time for a shower. You have to shower before you go inside the Aquarius because they don't salt water in everything. I mean, we might be underwater, but this is civilized.
So the Aquarius, you can think of it like a big school bus with no seats in it.
It's sort of like a long tube and everything is spread throughout that tube.
At this end, behind this power door, is the front porch, and that's where I came inside.
We like to keep that closed because it's quite humid in there and its air conditioned in here.
Now the next feature you'll find right inside the front door here is the bathroom.
Here's your bathroom, you have got your privacy curtain...it's a pretty small bathroom but it gets the job done.
And of course, right across over here, a sink, and some laboratory equipment, just in case you need to do some biological studies.
And then we come down a little further and we have a computer.
Well... you have got to be able to get on the internet even when you are underwater, I mean come on!
So here in the middle of the Aquarius we have the kitchen, or what you would call on a boat, the galley.
So if you come in here we're got the sink, and we've got a place to eat, sort of a kitchen table if you will. And, a picture window!
But unlike your picture window at home, this picture window looks out on a coral reef with fish swimming by.
Where's the fish? Come here fishies!
And the last part, down here at the far end, this would be sort of like the back of the school bus, you have six bunks all stacked up together.
You can see there is not a lot of space in here.
In fact, if you're sleeping, you only have about a foot and a half from your head to the next bunk up. It's pretty tight, but it's cozy and its dry.
And you can't beat the view out the window at the foot of the bed!
So now you might be wondering...what do you eat down here?
Well, they eat sort of like astronauts. It's freeze-dried foods. If you are a camper you might have used some of this stuff.
You rip the package open, you put water in it, you let it stay there for a while and you can eat it right out of the package.
They don't really have a lot of facilities for cooking. They have a microwave and they have hot water and that's about it. There is no stove and there's no oven.

  • basen. 基底,基础,底部,基线,基数,(棒球)垒,[化]碱
  • habitatn. (动植物的)产地,栖息地
  • phenomenonn. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件
  • containvt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制 vi. 自制
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • administrationn. 行政,管理,行政部门
  • gearn. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具 v. 使适应于,以齿轮
  • astonishingadj. 惊人的 动词astonish的现在分词
  • shallowadj. 浅的,薄的 n. 浅滩,浅处 v. 变浅
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传