To get by car here is not possible, you really have to hike.
开车来这儿是不可能的,只能步行 。
This restaurant has been perched in a Swiss Alps for 173 years.
这家已有173年历史的餐厅坐落在阿尔卑斯山瑞士段 。
And the track has always attracted hungry hikers.
餐厅一直吸引着饥肠辘辘的徒步旅行者慕名前来 。
But it's steep, nearly 5000 feet up.
问题是,餐厅的位置很陡,距离地面将近5000英尺高 。
Hello and welcome to the Aescher.
大家好,欢迎来到艾思切尔餐厅 。
I'm Melanie Gmunder and I'm the manager of the restaurant.
我是梅勒妮· 葛芒德尔,是餐厅的经理 。
Our food is very traditional.
我们的食物都很传统 。
We got like the sausage, cheese, salad or nuts croissant.
我们的菜单有香肠,奶酪、沙拉和坚果羊角包 。
But before you make any orders, here's how to get there.
在你点餐之前,这里有一份前往餐厅的路线要给你 。
First, get to the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden and head to Wasserauen.
首先,到达阿彭策尔内罗登州,前往沃瑟劳恩 。
Then cable car it.
然后坐缆车 。
You'll go up a distance of over 2,000 feet to the Evernote mountain.
上到2000多英尺高的艾沃诺特山上 。
Once you get there, have your hiking boots ready for 15 minutes deep hike.
到了那里之后,准备好登山靴,徒步15分钟 。
Go through a forty thousand year-old cave.
穿过一个有四万年历史的洞穴 。
Pass a chapel
And you're there.
就到啦 。
Or you can take a two-hour hike through other paths.
走其他路线走两个小时也能到 。
The most hardest part is like the infrastructure.
最困难的是餐厅的物资 。
Every chair, beer, all the food, everything has to come by cable car.
每把椅子,啤酒,所有的食物,所有的东西都要用缆车运上来 。
If there is anything really big and heavy, we're gonna use the helicopter.
如果有什么又大又重的东西的话,就要用直升机运 。
We got electricity from the cable car.
我们用的电是缆车输送的 。
We get the fresh water from the snow and the rain in a cave is a big pot of water
淡水是雪水和雨水,还有个山洞里有个潭能储水 。
and when this is empty, we have to buy the water.
这些水都用没了的时候就只能买水了 。
so I got a team in the service, the kitchen and I got people who do all the transports.
(人员的话)我有一个服务员团队,还有厨师以及负责运输的工人 。
And me.
和我 。
For me (it) is like a really special feeling to be here.
对我来说,在这里的感觉很特别 。
My favorite part of the day is when I'm standing out, get a coffee and just sitting out of the terrace.
一天中我最喜欢的时间就是到外面阳台上喝杯咖啡 。
It's just quiet and it's just relaxing.
很安静,很放松 。
most people came here, they are really happy there, they feel the magic.
大多数人来到这里都很开心,都觉得很神奇 。
So you wake up and you see everything, it's just unbelievable.
当你醒来,看到所有的一切,会有种不敢相信的感觉 。
Every time I get tears, just wow.
每次我都会震撼到流泪 。