Voice 2: Part of the researchers' work involves studying the reasons for so called "negative" or "bad" feelings. One such emotion is "disgust." Disgust is the emotion that you feel when you step into a pile of dog waste. Yuck!
声音2:研究所谓的“消极”或“糟糕的”感觉是研究人员的部分工作内容 。其中一种感觉就是“恶心” 。恶心是你踩到狗屎时会有的感觉 。真恶心!
Voice 1: Exactly what disgusts us depends partly on our culture. Imagine someone eating a piece of bread. They have their mouth open. You watch the bread move around their mouth. You can hear the sound as they open and close their mouth. In some cultures people would find this disgusting!
声音1:具体哪些东西会令我们感到恶心在某种程度上要取决于我们的文化 。想象一下,有人正在吃面包 。他们张开嘴巴 。你看到面包在他们的嘴部周围移动 。你能听到他们张嘴和闭嘴的声音 。在一些文化中,人们会认为这种声音很恶心!
But why do sounds disgust us? Imagine the sound of someone being sick. Or, imagine the sound of a deep cough.
为什么声音会令我们感到恶心?想象一下他人呕吐的声音 。或者,想象一下剧烈咳嗽的声音 。