“I’m Larry Smith and I’m owner/operator of the Motel Safari in Tucumcari, New Mexico, on historic Route 66.”
“我叫拉里·史密斯,是新墨西哥州图桑卡里市的Safari汽车旅馆的老板兼伙计,我开的这家旅馆就位于具有重大历史意义的66号公路上 。”
“Yeah, this is the motel I’m staying at.”
“没错,我订的就是他家的旅馆 。”
“I’d hit a wall with my job at the time
and I noticed while I was driving 66 that the road was using a lot of that older generation.
但我开车经过66号公路的时候,我注意到沿途的店都是老一辈的在经营 。
It really needed the right people to own the businesses along the Route.”
但这些店真的需要合适的人来经营 。”
But saving Route 66 doesn’t answer the big question: why it matters.
不过,拯救66号公路并没有回答一个大问题:这条路为什么重要 。
So I did not eat a 72-ounce steak. But I found somebody who did.
我没有吃那个72盎司的牛排 。但我找到了一个吃过的人 。
“This is the most excited I’ve been for an interview since I talked to an astronaut.”
“这应该是我采访宇航员以来我最期待的一次采访了 。”
“The story behind it is that I compete in track and field professionally, I throw the shot.
“背后的故事是,我的职业是一名田径运动员,我是掷铅球的 。
I was kind of injured at the time and I performed really terribly and we were gonna drive through Amarillo.
当时我是受了点伤,所以比赛的时候表现地非常糟糕,我们就计划到阿马里洛自驾 。
I heard about the steak, so I’m like, ‘I have to have one win.’
我听说了牛排挑战的事,我就想啊,‘我必须赢一回 。’
And honestly, it’s not the fullness, it’s the chewing.
老实说,这个挑战的点不在于它给你的饱腹感,而是嚼起来很费劲 。
By the end I was like, I can’t chew anything else and I was drinking as much water as possible to get it down.
到最后的时候,我基本上已经没法嚼任何东西了,为了把牛排吞下去,我喝了很多很多水 。
I’m glad I did it but I don’t know if I’d ever do that again.
我很高兴我尝试了这个挑战,但不知道还会不会回去二战 。
I mean, I do a lot of ridiculous things.
因为我做过很多很可笑的事情 。
Hey, didn’t do well at this track meet?
So I’m gonna eat a 72-ounce steak to prove to myself I can overcome something.”
那我就吃下一块72盎司的牛排,来告诉自己,有些事我还是可以的 。”
The Big Texan Ranch isn’t on Route 66 anymore.
德州大牧场已经不在66号公路上了 。
The owner moved it closer to I-40 in 1970.
1970年的时候,店主把它搬到了离I-40更近的地方 。
And yet it still is Route 66.
但它还是66号公路的味道 。
We think of places on a map as dots.
我们在地图的时候,一个地方就是一个点 。
But maybe a place can be a line.
但它何尝不能变成一条线呢 。
“There was desert as far as the eye can see.”
“放眼望去,到处都是沙漠 。”
“I was getting to the point where I needed a break from seeing patients in and out.
“我已经到了需要休息的时候了,不想再成天看病人进进出出了 。
So I called up my friend from med school and said, ‘hey we have this window, would you be interested in a road trip?’”
“Route 66 kinda became a character in our journey.
“66号公路成了我们旅途中的一个角色 。
It was kinda like the Oregon Trail with all the challenges popping up,
and the prize at the end was our new home at the end of the highway.”
最后的奖品就是我们在这条路的尽头安了新家 。”
“I had a flat tire.
“我爆胎了 。
So I took my camera out and took some long exposure shots of my car and the night sky.”
所以我拿出相机,给我的车和夜空拍了一些长镜头的照片 。”
“So the graduation gift to my three boys as they exit high school is a 14-day driving trip out West — St.George, Utah — to meet my biological family.”
“所以,我送给三个高中毕业的儿子的毕业礼物就是一次为期14天的自驾游,去犹他州圣乔治西部见我的亲生父母 。”
“My great great grandfather, Ramon Negrette,
emigrated from Mexico to a tiny town in Arizona called Williams in the early 1900s, before Route 66 was there.
在20世纪初,66号公路还没建成的时候,就从墨西哥移民到了亚利桑那州一个名叫威廉姆斯的小镇 。
He painted the house yellow and it is still there today, the yellow house in Williams.
他把房子漆成了黄色,那座房子现在还在那里,威廉斯的黄色房子 。
We think my great grandma still haunts the house?
我们觉得,我曾祖母的魂魄现在都还在那个房子里呢 。
What I love about Route 66 is that it’s not just a road that’s going through tiny towns and big towns in America.
我喜欢66号公路的原因在于它不仅仅是一条穿过美国各大小镇和大城市的公路 。
It’s a road that goes through people’s histories and carries legacies of perseverance and hope,
and I think that’s what makes it so fascinating and so beautiful.”
我认为这就是它无比迷人,无比美丽的原因 。”