Drive through India and you are sure to see this.
开车穿越印度,你一定会看到这个东西 。
These are India's trucks.
这些都是印度的卡车 。
Most goods in India are transported by truck.
在印度,大多数货物都是用卡车运输的 。
And as India's economy has grown, trucks have become central to how the country does business.
随着印度经济的增长,卡车已经成为该国商业运作的一个核心组成部分 。
But since they were introduced to India in the 1940s,
these trucks have become more than just commercial transportation, they've become a canvas.
这些卡车已经不再只是商业运输工具,还成了画布 。
This is truck art.
欢迎来到卡车艺术王国 。
They are all about these colors, about these symbols, about these fun elements,
about our superstitions, about the evil eye, all that stuff, and these things still matter to us.
还有我们的一些迷信观念,以及恶魔之眼等等,这些东西到现在我们都很重视 。
Truck art is an Indian art form.
卡车艺术是印度的一种艺术形式 。
It's a sort of mash up of visual motifs from Indian culture, language, beliefs, and history.
基本就是印度文化、语言、信仰和历史的各种视觉主题的一种混搭 。
This assortment of color, schemes, typefaces and symbols is on display all over India's highways,
making long drives through India a sort of artistic experience.
使得长途驾车穿越印度也变成了一种艺术体验 。
They're also very personal.
An expression of individual tastes, values, and beliefs of those who spend thousands of hours behind the wheel.
是长年累月奔波在外的卡车司机们表达个人品味、价值观和信仰的一种方式 。
I went to India and drove all over the country looking for these trucks.
这次我开车走遍了整个印度,为的就是寻找这些卡车 。
I wanted to understand what's behind this peculiar art form,
what motivates these drivers and artists to turn something as functional and mundane as freight trucks into a spectacle of culture and beauty.
想知道是什么驱使这些司机和艺术家把货车这样注重功能又极其普通的东西变成文化和美的大观的 。
This truck. It first came to British India during World War II.
这种卡车 。首次引入英属印度还是二战时的事情 。
The original brand of the truck was Bedford and they were originally designed to carry military cargo, but after the British left, they stuck around.
最早做这种汽车的品牌是贝德福德,最初设计的用途是运送军用货物,英国人离开印度时,这些卡车被留了下来 。
This same basic design inspired many of the commercial trucks that are on the road today in India.
就是这一基本设计启发了今天在印度公路上行驶的许多商用卡车 。
There are now millions of these trucks on Indian roads.
现在,印度的公路上有数百万辆这样的卡车 。
For the millions of drivers who spend weeks away from home,
the truck is their workspace, their home, their place of worship as they traverse India's vast distances.
卡车是他们穿越广袤的印度时的工作场所,也是他们的家,他们的礼拜场所 。
You know that a truck guy is actually spending a phenomenal amount of time on the road,
so for him, this has to be his comfort zone, his kind of space where he is comfortable and he can probably just, you know, feel at peace.
所以,对他而言,车子一定要舒适,是能令他感到舒服,感到平静的个性空间 。
There's a whole industry dedicated to this art form.
这一艺术形式还有一整个行业为其服务 。
Painters, many from the northern state of Punjab, have become experts at the style.
画手们,其中有许多都来自印度北部的旁遮普邦,已经成了这一艺术风格的专家 。
Punjab is one of the main centers of truck art.
旁遮普是卡车艺术的一大中心 。
They have a distinctive style that is hard for others to replicate.
他们的绘画风格很独特,别人很难抄袭 。
I think the calligraphy that they use, the way that they write, what they write, and the fact that it has come so beautifully to become a 3d expression.
他们所用的书法,写字的方式,写的内容都是非常独特的,能够产生非常漂亮的3D效果 。
I've had a bunch of students try to replicate it.
我有一群学生想模仿他们 。
It's not the easiest thing to do.
事实证明并不容易 。