Voice 2: The scientists performed experiments on willing people. They chose one of the most disliked sounds. Do you recognise it? Can you remember sitting in a classroom at school? The teacher would stand at the front. She would write on a blackboard. There was always someone who waited for the teacher to leave the room. They would run to the front of the room. And then, they put their fingers at the top of the black board. They moved their fingernails slowly down the board. Listening to this sound still makes you feel horrible!
声音2:科学家在志愿者身上进行了实验 。他们选择了最不受欢迎的声音之一 。你们能听出来吗?你还记得坐在学校教室里的情景吗?老师站在教室前面 。她会在黑板上写板书 。总是有人等待老师离开教室 。他们会跑到教室前面 。然后把手指放在黑板最上方 。他们会用指甲慢慢地向黑板下方移动 。听到这种声音仍会令你感觉害怕!
The scientists wanted to know if this is the most disliked sound. So, they chose sixteen different kinds of noises. Some of these sounds were nice - like flowing water. And other sounds were not - like rubbing metal on something sharp. The scientists asked the people to choose the worst recorded sound. Fingernails on a blackboard won! This was the worst sound.
科学家想知道这是否是最不受欢迎的声音 。因此,他们选择了16种不同的噪音 。其中一些声音听起来还不错,比如流水的声音 。其他声音则是不太悦耳的声音,比如在锋利的物体上摩擦金属的声音 。科学家让实验参与者选出最糟的录音 。结果用指甲摩擦黑板当选!这是最糟糕的声音 。