Voice 1: Mark Windsley is a man who agrees with that. Mark tells of his experience. He had a good job, money and power. He had more money than he needed. He could have anything he wanted. But he was not happy. He felt a huge desire to work harder and harder. The months went by. Mark could no longer deal with the pressure of work. He became sick. Doctors said that he had suffered a mental breakdown. It was a terrible time. Mark felt alone and afraid. He cried out to God to help him. At the time Mark says he felt stupid. He did not even believe that God existed. But today Mark describes that time as a turning point in his life. He says that God answered his cry. He felt close to God. Mark felt stronger. He knew that he was no longer alone.
声音1:名为马克·温斯利的男子同意这一看法 。马克讲述了他的经历 。他有份好工作,有钱,还有权 。他拥有的钱超过了他的实际需要 。他可以拥有他想要的一切 。但他并不幸福 。他努力工作的欲望很强 。几个月过去了 。马克无法继续应对工作压力 。他生病了 。医生说他精神崩溃了 。那是一段艰难时期 。马克既孤独又害怕 。他向上帝哀求,希望上帝帮助他 。马克说,那时的自己很愚蠢 。他甚至不相信上帝真的存在 。但现在,马克称那段时间是他人生的转折点 。他说上帝回应了他的哀求 。他感觉自己离上帝很近 。马克感到自己变强了 。他知道他不再孤独 。