A Nation in Turmoil Prepares to Deliver a Verdict on Trump
By Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin LOS LUNAS, N. M.
The tumultuous 2018 midterm campaign, shaped by conflicts over race and identity and punctuated by tragedy,
barreled through its final weekend as voters prepared to deliver a verdict on the first half of President Trump's term,
with Republicans bracing for losses in the House and state capitals,
but hopeful they would prevail in Senate races in areas where Mr. Trump is popular.
但他们还是有望在欢迎特朗普的那些地区赢得参议院竞选 。
The president was set to storm across two states Saturday, two Sunday and three Monday
in an effort to pick off Senate seats in Indiana, Florida and a handful of other battlegrounds where Republicans hope to add to their one-seat majority in the chamber.
为的是选出印第安纳州、佛罗里达州以及其他几个阵地的参议员人选,为他们在参议员的一席多数优势蓄力 。
Democrats and liberal activists, galvanized by opposition to Mr. Trump,
gathered Saturday to knock on doors and make turnout calls from Pennsylvania to Illinois to Washington to try to erase the G.O.P.'s 23-seat House majority.
也于周六凝聚起来,一起走街串巷,拨打投票电话,范围从宾夕法尼亚州到伊利诺伊州到华盛顿,努力将共和党从参议院23个多数党席位上拉下来 。
The run-up to the election, widely seen as a referendum on Mr. Trump's divisive persona and hard-line policy agenda,
has revealed deep strains in the president's political coalition and left him confined to campaign in a narrow band of conservative communities.
表明总统的政治联盟关系十分紧张,同时也将他的竞选限制在了狭隘的保守派范围之内 。
Republicans' intermittent focus on favorable economic news, such as the Friday report showing strong job growth,
has been overwhelmed by Mr. Trump's message of racially incendiary nationalism.
也已经被特朗普有关煽动种族的民族主义信息淹没了 。
While Mr. Trump retains a strong grip on many red states and working-class white voters,
his jeremiads against immigrants and penchant for ridicule have proved destabilizing,
with the party losing more affluent whites and moderates in metropolitan areas key to control of the House.
加上共和党又失去了掌控众议院的关键——大城市地区相对富裕的白人和温和派——的支持 。
Republicans have grown increasingly pessimistic in recent days about holding the House,
as polls show a number of incumbents lagging well below 50 percent
and some facing unexpectedly close races in conservative-leaning districts.
政治上倾向于保守派的地区还有些共和党人面临着意料之外的秘密竞选 。
In several diverse Sun Belt states where Republicans had shown resilience, such as Texas, Florida and Arizona,
their candidates have seen their numbers dip in polling
as Mr. Trump has given up the unifying role that American presidents have traditionally tried to play.
因为特朗普放弃扮演美国总统历来都试图扮演的统一角色 。
Democrats are also in contention to retain or capture governorships in rust belt states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin
that were pivotal to Mr. Trump's victory and fertile ground for Republicans for much of the last decade.
在过去十年的大部分时间里,该地带在特朗普选举获胜和输送共和党人方面一直发挥着至关重要的作用 。
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1. deliver a verdict 宣判
The jury delivered a verdict of unlawful killing.
陪审团对非法杀害行为作出了判决 。
2. barrel through 迅速……
David was barrelling throughthe hall towards her.
当时,大卫迅速穿过大厅朝她走去了 。
3. brace (oneself) for (sth.) 为……做好准备
I braced myself for that big bump by holding onto the seat in front of me.
前面会有强烈的颠簸,我赶紧抓紧了前排的座位 。
4. in contention to/for 争着……
We are still in contention for the first division title.
我们还在争那个冠军 。
5. be pivotal to 对……极为关键
I think he realized that he needed to send a clear signal that this new technology is pivotal to the future of Japan.
我认为他想传递一个信号,那就是这个新技术对日本的将来极为关键 。