Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I present to you the world's largest burrowing clam.
女士们,先生们,同志们,乡亲们,今天,我要给大家带来的是世界上最大的潜泥蛤 。
This is...the geoduck.
它就是……象拔蚌 。
And oh my God, it's an alien.
偶滴神啊,这长得也太抽象了吧 。
What the? Oh my God, just look at it.
什么鬼?天呐,看看呐 。
This is a geoduck.
这是只象拔蚌 。
And well, it looks like a, I guess, yeah. Anyway.
看着有点像……是吧 。反正……
The geoduck is a type of saltwater clam that only comes from this region in the pacific northwest.
象拔蚌是一种咸水蛤,只产于太平洋西北部的这个地区 。
They can bury themselves several feet underground, which makes collecting them a little difficult.
它们可藏身于几英尺深的地下,所以要把它们抓住还是有一丢丢困难的 。
Isn't that right, Michael? Yeah, absolutely.
对吗,迈克尔?对对对,一点儿没错 。
So, when we're harvesting geoduck, we use low pressure, high volume water.
所以,我们在抓象拔蚌的时候会使用低压高容量的水管 。
The water comes in through the wand, and then it makes the ground soft enough,
so you can stick your arm down three feet to reach the neck of the geoduck to pull it out.
这样你就可以伸手够到它们的脖子把它们拽出来啦 。
The majority of the time what you're looking for is these guys sticking up in these little holes and that's how you know where they are.
大多数情况下,你要找这种小洞,我们就是根据这些小洞来判断它们的位置的 。
And viola, a geoduck.
现在就是见证奇迹的时刻啦,挖出来啦 。
This is the belly, the softest part of the meat of the geoduck.
这是象拔蚌的腹部,也是肉质最软嫩的地方 。
This is the neck where the majority of the meat comes from,
the two siphons are on the end and they're kind of like humans where, you know, they're not all the same; it's just everyone's different.
大部分肉都在脖子上,这头有两个虹吸管,有点像人类的……嗯,你懂的,但也不完全一样;每个人都不一样啊 。
The majority of geoducks farmed here will be sent to east Asia, where they are a sought after delicacy.
此地养殖的大部分象拔蚌都会被送往东亚,因为象拔蚌是那边的人十分崇尚的一道美味佳肴 。
But here in Seattle, they're still a big deal and nobody gets more excited for geoduck than this guy.
但在西雅图这边,吃象拔蚌还挺少见的,而且,没有人比这哥们儿对这道菜更兴奋的了 。
So Tom, how do you prepare it?
We have put it in chowders in the past, from time to time,
but when you come in here to eat geoduck at Taylor Shellfish, you're gonna have it raw.
但你现在来我们“泰勒贝类餐厅”吃象拔蚌的话,我们会做成刺生 。
It's all about accentuating the freshness of the geoduck chilled on the plate with all those other great fresh ingredients.
我们讲究的是冷冻过后的象拔蚌的新鲜口感,搭配上其他非常棒的新鲜食材 。
Prepared right, the texture of geoduck is what really separates it from everything else.
做法对了,出来的口感是有别于跟其他任何美食的口感的 。
You think about it as having the sweetness of the scallop, the saltiness of calamari, and you have a really excellent combination.
你可以把它想象成扇贝的甜味和鱿鱼的咸味结合地恰好好处的那种味道 。
I love eating geoduck.
我喜欢吃象拔蚌 。
I'll just slice a bunch, put it on a plate, squirt a little lemon, throw some salt.
我只用切几片,然后放到盘子里,挤点儿柠檬汁,再撒点儿盐 。
I couldn't ask for more.
别的佐料我都不要 。
And now the most important part, the taste. Delicious.
接下来是最重要的部分——味道 。不错喔 。