Happy Thursday to all of you.
We are a week into November already.
It feels like just a week ago we were in October.
I don't even understand it. Time is flying by.
真搞不懂 时间飞逝啊
How many of you already have your Christmas decorations up?
Please, honestly. Even baby Jesus is like, that's too early.
要诚实哦 连婴儿耶稣都觉得这也太早了吧
I say it every year, but it seems like holiday season starts earlier and earlier.
我每年都会这么说 不过节假日好像开始得越来越早了
On November first, I heard three radio stations playing Christmas music.
11月1号 我听到有三个电台在放圣诞节的歌
Starbucks started using their holiday cups.
And I sat on Santa's lap in the mall.
God, I hope it was Santa. I think it was.
天哪 但愿那是圣诞老人 我觉得是
Anyway, people used to start decorating after Thanksgiving, which seemed appropriate.
总之呢 以前人们总会在感恩节过后再开始装饰圣诞节 那样还比较合理
And then, it started in the middle of November.
后来 人们开始在11月中旬就开始装饰圣诞节
And now, it's the day after Halloween.
现在呢 刚过完万圣节就开始准备了
And I think it's because people are on some kind of sugar high after that.
They're like, I can't sleep. Let's inflate the igloo.
他们彻夜难眠 于是就寻思着 我们把冰屋充满气吧
The truth is, it might be good for you.
事实是 这样也许对你是有好处的
I read a study that said people who put up decorations earlier are happier.
我看过一份研究 说越早开始装饰的人越开心
Unfortunately, the same study said that the neighbors of the people who decorate early are quote, "super pissed."
不幸的是 同一份研究还说 那些早早开始装饰的人的邻居会“非常恼火”
I'm all for celebrating holidays, and by that, I mean stirring my gin with a candy cane, that's what I like.
我非常支持庆祝节日 我的意思是用拐杖糖搅拌松子酒 我喜欢这样
It's going too fast though.
Call me old fashioned, but I think you should go trick or treating,
说我是老古董也好 但我觉得大家应该先玩不给糖就捣蛋
then you should fight about politics at Thanksgiving,
and then you should get criticized for being single at Christmas.
I think it should be-- also, I think if you can't beat them, join them.
我觉得应该 这些人是打不败的 所以加入他们吧
So I'm happy to announce that I'm starting to sell Valentine's Day candy in the Ellen shop.
所以我很高兴地宣布 我要在艾伦商店里出售情人节糖果了
So yeah, get it while it lasts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
没错 趁还有的时候去买吧 嗯 对 对
Get it while it lasts, because then I move on to Cinco de Mayo right after that. Tequila.
快趁早去买吧 因为我接下来该卖五月五日节的东西了 来杯龙舌兰