You're watching BBC World News, the headlines.
The Pentagon is saying an American Navy ship has shot down an Iranian drone that flew within a kilometer of the vessel in the Gulf.
五角大楼表示 一艘美国海军军舰在海湾地区击落了一架距离该军舰不到一公里的伊朗无人机
Iran says it has no knowledge of any missing drone.
President Trump has tried to distance himself from the "Send-Her-Back" chants directed by his supporters at a black Democratic congresswoman.
特朗普总统的支持者向一名黑人民主党国会女议员发出了“送女议员回去”的口号 总统试图撇清与此事的关系
But another Democratic congresswoman he targeted Alexandra Ocasio Cortez told supporters they won't give up their rights.
但被他瞄准的另一名民主党国会女议员亚历山德拉·奥卡西奥·科尔特斯告诉支持者 他们不会放弃自己的权利
The Supreme Court in the Netherlands is due to give a final ruling on whether the Dutch state was partly responsible for the deaths of about 300 Muslim men and Sarah Bonita during the Bosnian war in 1995.
A judge in the US has ruled that the financier Jeffrey Epstein must stay behind bars until his trial on charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy because he poses a flight risk.
美国一名法官裁定 在因涉嫌性交易和共谋罪受审之前 金融家杰弗里·爱泼斯坦必须待在监狱里 因为他有潜逃风险
He denies the charges.