Ah vodka, always a good choice. Strong, smooth, delightfully clear.
啊,伏特加,强劲,醇和而澄澈悦目的伏特加,选它一般都不会错 。
Vodka is usually made from potatoes, grapes, or wheat.
伏特加通常由土豆、葡萄或小麦酿制而成 。
One man is doing things differently.
但有一个人就爱剑走偏锋 。
He's making vodka from...Yes, you heard that right. Sheep.
他酿伏特加用的是…是的,你没听错 。羊 。
We are in Birchs Bay, in Tasmania, Australia.
欢迎来到澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州的伯克斯湾 。
Sixteen years ago my family and I built our sheep cheesery from scratch.
16年前,我和我的家人一点一滴地摸索出了用羊奶制作奶酪的方法 。
You know, I was getting tired of just doing the sort of cheese things.
慢慢地我厌倦了做奶酪之类的事情 。
And so I came up with the idea of distilling.
所以我就想到了蒸馏 。
But how? By using whey.
但怎么蒸馏呢?用乳清 。
So whey is essentially part of cheesemaking.
因为乳清本质上也是奶酪制作的一个环节嘛 。
And in a lot of cases put down the drain and wasted.
很多时候我们都把它倒掉了,就浪费了 。
I have figured out a way to turn that into a product.
所以我就想出了一个把乳清也变成产品的办法 。
Making vodka from whey is quite unusual.
用乳清酿伏特加这种操作还挺少见的 。
There have been a couple successful attempts,
but no one had ever made a sheep's whey vodka. Until Ryan came along.
但一直没有人成功地酿出羊乳清伏特加 。直到瑞恩的出现 。
It took him about 100 attempts over the course of a year, but he got there.
虽然他花了一年的时间,前后尝试了将近100次,但他还是成功了 。
So, step one: we milk the sheep,
and then give it to our cheese factory, who then makes it into a cheese,
and then the whey is what's leftover.
乳清会被剩下来 。
Step two: I grab that whey-and then adding enzymes-it ferments into alcohol.
第二步:把乳清弄过来,往里面加入酶,让它发酵成酒精 。
What essentially creates alcohol is a basic sugar.
乳清发酵成酒精还需要一种很重要的糖 。
And my basic sugar is lactose.
我用的是乳糖 。
Step three: I grab that alcohol and distill it twice into a finished spirit.
第三步:把发酵好的酒精蒸馏两次,变成成品酒 。
And step four: I age the spirit for four months.
第四步:窖藏四个月 。
Step five: we actually hand-paint the entire bottle.
第五步:喷涂酒瓶 。
So we spray the black on, and then we hand-write, so that every bottle is unique.
先喷上一层黑色涂料,然后手工绘制酒瓶上的图案,让每个瓶子都变得独一无二 。
Start to finish, from milking the sheep, all the way to bottling the product,
it would take at least five months.
至少需要5个月的时间 。
You'll smell a lot of sweetness coming through from the milk.
羊奶会释放很浓的甜味 。
And then when you drink it, it's gonna be really creamy on the palette.
所以喝这种伏特加的时候,口感就会非常的丝滑 。
And almost have a little milky sort of finish.
而且最后几乎都会有点儿奶香的余韵 。
One of the biggest awards that we won was World's Best Vodka, which was huge for us.
我们赢得的最大的奖项之一是“世界上最好的伏特加”奖,这对我们来说是一个意义非凡的奖项 。
And vodka is not the end for Ryan's distilling experiments.
但伏特加并不是瑞安蒸馏实验的终点 。
He's also ventured into gin.
他还酿了杜松子酒 。
And now, to cue us out, how do you drink it?
So treat it really really similar to a whisky.
我基本上是和威士忌一样的喝法 。
Just nice and neat.
就直接喝 。
Even with no ice.
连冰块儿都不加 。
Yeah, that's great.
嗯,好喝 。
That's really smooth.
口感真的很醇和 。
That's really nice.
确实挺好喝的 。
Mm, beautiful. Very nice spirit.
嗯,很香 。确实是很不错的酒 。
Could drink this, yes definitely.
这个可以喝,绝对可以 。
Beautiful, beautiful to the palette.
香,香味十足 。