Voice 1: Mrs Lem lives in the village of Tempakha in Bhutan. She says it is a happy place to live. She does not consider wealth to be the answer to gaining happiness. Most of the people in her community are farmers. They lead a simple life. The land is fertile - it provides enough food. The villages can grow two rice crops a year. They also grow chillies, tomatoes, beans and aubergines. Mrs Lem says she has everything that she needs.
声音1:莱姆太太住在不丹Tempakha村 。她说生活在这座村庄很幸福 。她不认为财富是获得幸福的答案 。和她生活在同一个社区的大多数人都是农民 。他们过着简单的生活 。他们生活的土地很富饶,可以产出足够的粮食 。村庄每年可产出两种水稻 。还可以种植辣椒、番茄、豆类和茄子 。莱姆太太说,她可以得到她需要的一切 。
Voice 2: Economic developments do happen in the villages of Bhutan. But they happen slowly. The people of Tempakha hope that they will soon be connected to the country's electricity system. And they also hope to build a road to transport their surplus crops. The King recognises that some economic growth is important. But each new development in Bhutan is considered carefully. Will it make people happier? Will it really make life better?
声音2:不丹各村庄的经济的确在发展 。但发展相当缓慢 。Tempakha村的村民希望他们不久后能接入国家电网系统 。他们还希望修建公路来运输剩余作物 。国王意识到有些经济发展很重要 。而不丹发生的每个新进展都会被慎重考虑 。这种发展会令民众更幸福吗?它会令民众的生活更好吗?