Voice 2: The film then shows Lesley visiting the Murambi Genocide Memorial site. She looks at the hundreds of bones. The bones from people killed in the genocide. They are the bodies of men, women and children. Lesley starts to understand the full terror of what Charles suffered. She falls to her knees.
声音2:随后莱斯莉前往姆拉比种族大屠杀纪念馆 。她看到了数百根骨头 。这些骨头来自种族大屠杀的遇害者 。那里有男人和女人的尸体,也有儿童的尸体 。莱斯莉开始理解查尔斯的恐惧 。她跪了下来 。
Voice 1: Many women would have turned away and gone home. But not Lesley - she wanted to know more. The film then shows her travelling to Gahini. This is the small village where she lived with Charles. A local man agrees to speak to her about the killings. As they talk, it becomes clear that he was one of the men who murdered her best friend, Anatolie. Lesley looks at him in the eyes as he explains what happened,
声音1:许多女性会转身离开,然后回家 。但是莱斯莉没有这样做,她想了解更多 。随后影片记录了她前往Gahini的情况 。Gahini是她和查尔斯曾生活过的小村庄 。一名当地人同意和她讲讲那次屠杀 。在他们谈话的过程中,莱斯莉发现这个男人就是杀害了她最好的朋友安娜托丽娅的凶手之一 。这名男子在讲述大屠杀时,莱斯莉直直地盯着他的眼睛 。
Voice 4: "We cut her neck. She died quickly. We then attacked her young child with a machete."
声音4:“我们割了她的脖子 。她很快就死了 。后来我们又用大刀砍了她的小孩 。”