Voice 1: Many men with Lymphatic Filariasis have enlarged scrotums. Sometimes a scrotum, a part of the male sexual organ, grows past a man's knees. This swelling is called a hydrocele. It can be very painful. It can make walking difficult. But many men feel shame when they have this problem. They do not talk about it. They do not seek help from a doctor. If a man does not accept that he has a disease, he will never get help.
声音1:许多感染淋巴丝虫病的男性都会出现睾丸肿大的症状 。睾丸是男性性器官的一部分,有时睾丸会肿大到膝盖以下 。这种肿胀被称为阴囊淋巴积液 。这会带来极大的疼痛 。而且会使走路变得艰难 。但是许多男性对自己患有这种疾病感到羞耻 。他们不愿意谈论病情 。他们也不会寻求医生的帮助 。如果一名男性不接受他患有疾病这一事实,那他就永远不会得到帮助 。
Voice 2: Doctors can operate on men to make the hydrocele smaller. But swollen legs cannot be made smaller. Filariasis can not be cured. The worms are too strong. They live too deep in the body. Doctors cannot remove them with surgery. Medicine today is aimed at killing the baby worms in a person's body. The medicine prevents more worms from growing.
声音2:医生可以通过手术来减少阴囊淋巴积液 。但是肿胀的腿无法变小 。丝虫病无法治愈 。寄生虫过于强大 。它们寄生在人体深处 。医生不能用手术除去寄生虫 。目前市场上的药物旨在杀死人体内的寄生虫幼虫 。这类药物可以阻止寄生虫继续生长 。