I'm done.
我受够了 。
I'm finally done watching Fox News.
我真的受够《福克斯新闻》了 。
It's rotting my brain.
这个节目都把我看傻了 。
And only boomers watch that crap anyway.
不管怎样,只有婴儿潮一代才会看这种垃圾节目 。
From now on, I'm watching real news.
从现在开始,我要看真正的新闻 。
Stuff that actually matters.
关注真正的大事 。
And I'll never have to worry about Fox News ever ag...
Two of the headlines on Fox News tonight.
Gotten a lot of attention thanks to Fox News.
Started on Fox News.
Yesterday on Fox News.
Last night on O'Reilly.
Last night on Hannity.
This morning on Fox & Friends.
Fox was all over this story.
Want to play this clip from Fox.
Clip from Fox.
Clip from Fox News earlier.
It makes my head explode when I see these clips from Fox News.
看到福克斯新闻的这些片段,我感觉我的头都要炸了 。
Oh, god. It's everywhere.
There's no escape.
Thank god for Fox News. Thank god for Fox News.
Thank god for Fox. You get the truth out.
Thank god for Fox News, or otherwise, no one would be talking about these issues.
In an ideal world, political journalism looks like this.
理想情况下,政治新闻是这样的 。
On either side, you've got the parties fighting for the attention of the press.
两边是政治党派,他们都想争夺媒体的关注 。
And in the middle, you've got journalists sorting through what's important and what's just partisan bullshit.
夹在中间的记者媒体要筛选哪些信息重要,哪些只是那些党派在胡说八道 。
This is called gatekeeping, and it's one of the most important things journalists do.
这就是所谓的“把关”,也是记者最重要的工作之一 。
Political operatives can spin whatever talking points they want,
but ultimately it's the journalists who decide what's newsworthy enough to pay attention to.
但最终是记者在决定哪些新闻值得关注 。
But that is in an ideal world, and we don't live in an ideal world.
但这是在理想的情况下,而我们并没有生活在理想的情况下 。
We live in hell.
我们生活在地狱 。
And in hell, there's Fox News.
生活在地狱里就会听到《福克斯新闻》 。
Fox exists in this weird in-between space
because it claims to be a news organization, but it's essentially a Republican front group.
是因为虽然它自称是一家新闻机构,但其本质还是共和党的一个阵线组织 。
The network was founded by GOP political operative Roger Ailes.
该网络的创始人是共和党政客罗杰·艾尔斯 。
Not sure why he's posing like Shirley Temple in this picture.
不懂他为什么要摆个秀兰·邓波儿的造型 。
Ailes spent his career advising Republican presidents like Reagan, Bush Sr., and surprise, surprise, Nixon.
艾尔斯过去为里根、老布什,尼克松等共和党总统提供咨询 。还有尼克松,惊不惊喜意不意外?
A memo from the Nixon Library detailed Ailes' dream of launching a Republican news network.
尼克松图书馆的一份备忘录详细描述了艾尔斯为共和党创办新闻网络的梦想 。
A plan for putting the GOP on TV news.
一个让共和党登上电视新闻的计划 。
Which was described as a way to get around the "prejudices of network news selectors."
而该计划被描述为绕过“网络新闻筛选者的偏见”的一种方式 。
Wow, nightmares really do come true.
呃,噩梦真的成真了 。
Ailes eventually founded Fox News.
最终,艾尔斯创办了《福克斯新闻》 。
And with it, he turned partisan hackery into an art form.
通过这档节目,他给党派之争披上了艺术的外衣 。
Obama salutes while holding coffee?
Everyone's talking about the disrespectful way the president saluted a Marine yesterday.
人人都在谈论昨天总统向某海军陆战部队行礼时的失礼举动 。
Clinton coughs during a campaign event?
We all have our coughing spells,
but it doesn't look good when you have all these conspiracy theories about her health.
但当围绕她的健康出现了那么多的阴谋论的时候,情况就不妙了 。
Rashida Tlaib says a naughty word about Trump?
We're going to go in there, we're going to impeach the motherfucker.
Is this what the Democratic Party has become?
Buckle up, folks. This is the new Democratic Party. This is the Democratic Party in 2019.
坐好了,朋友们 。今天的民主党已经不是过去那个民主党了 。这是2019年的民主党 。
Fox knows this fucking bullshit doesn't actually matter.
福克斯知道这些胡说不道都不重要 。
But that's not the point.
但这不是重点 。
The point is pretending that it matters, so voters at home think it does too.
重点是要假装它们很重要,这样国内的选民就会跟着认为它们很重要 。
They're doing political communications.
他们其实是在进行政治交流 。
They are finding a weak point and then they're hammering it very very tremendously.....
The network, it was founded by political operatives, it has a partisan operative mentality and it works.
福克斯新闻这一网络毕竟是由政客创立的,所以必然是带有政治倾向性的,关键是他们这一招还挺管用 。
Now, I know what you're thinking.
我知道你想说什么 。
Oh, my god. Who cares. It's Fox. None of us actually watch that crap.
你想说,啊!苍天呐!谁在乎这个 。毕竟是福克斯新闻,谁还看那垃圾节目 。
Except you do watch that crap, Mary. You just don't realize it. Mary?
还别说,你还真在看,玛丽 。你只是没意识到罢了 。玛丽?
Because once Fox News goes all-in on a story, other networks pay attention.
因为一旦福克斯新闻对某件事进行了大肆的报道,其他电视台便也会关注这件事 。
Political journalists are very sensitive to complaints about liberal bias
And so one thing they do is they overcompensate by paying a lot of attention to what's going on in conservative media.
所以他们会密切关注保守派媒体的动向到过往矫正的地步 。
“What's in conservative media?
What are conservatives talking about?
Let's elevate this. Let's take it seriously. Even if I don't personally agree with it.
且不管我个人同不同意,我们先把这事儿炒起来,把它变严肃起来 。
Take Benghazi, for example. You're still mad about this? I'm still mad about this.
就拿班加西那件事来说 。还在为那事儿生气啊?是啊,我现在气都没消 。
In 2012, Fox began peddling wild conspiracy theories about a terror attack in Benghazi.
2012年,福克斯开始兜售荒唐的,有关班加西发生恐怖袭击的阴谋论 。