Yep, that's me.
没错,那就是我 。
You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
大家可能会好奇我怎么把自己搞成那样的 。
To see how I got here, we first have to talk about islands.
要想知道答案,我们首先要来聊聊岛屿 。
You may not realize it, but New York City is full of them.
大家可能会不知道,但纽约其实到处都有岛 。
Manhattan itself is technically just one 13.4-mile-long island.
严格来讲,曼哈顿就是一个长达21.6km的岛 。
You’ve also got Governors Island, Liberty Island, as well as Staten Island.
除此之外,纽约还有总督岛、自由岛和斯塔滕岛 。
But there’s one island in New York that you may not know about,
and no, it’s not the tiki bar Jade Island, which is fabulous by the way — do yourself a favor and try the pu pu platter.
不不不,我们要说的不是翡翠岛这个餐厅,不过说实话他们家的菜确实不错——大家可以去尝尝他们家的宝宝盘犒劳一下自己 。
It’s called U Thant Island.
我们要说的这个岛叫吴丹岛 。
And it’s one island in New York that nobody is allowed to visit.
这是纽约一座任何人都禁止参观的小岛 。
It sits in the East River, right below Roosevelt Island near the UN headquarters,
吴丹岛就位于东河上,就在靠近联合国总部的罗斯福岛下游 。
and for something so tiny, has a pretty fascinating history.
这么小的一个岛,却有着一段令人心驰神往的历史 。
In 1892, construction of an underground rail passage began,
that was meant to connect Manhattan to Queens via a tunnel under the river.
通过在东河河底修一条隧道连通曼哈顿和皇后区 。
Builders had to drill through the granite under water, and that excavation produced excess landfill,
which accumulated and eventually produced a tiny mound of rocks, or as we in the biz call it, an island.
这些垃圾越堆越多,最后就堆成了一座小小的石头山,用我们商界的话来说就是,堆成了一个岛 。
The island was originally named Belmont Island, after August Belmont Jr., the man who financed the construction project.
这个岛原本叫“贝尔蒙特岛”,是以投资该项目的小奥古斯特·贝尔蒙特的名义命名的 。
The original tunnel is now used by the 7 Train.
如今,这条隧道已经成了7班火车的通道 。
And as for the island, minus the occasional tanker collision, up until recently has had a pretty uneventful existence.
而这座小岛,除了偶尔发生的游轮碰撞,直到最近都一直是默默无闻 。
Then an organization called the Peace Meditation at the United Nations,
a Buddhist group that followed spiritual leader, prolific artist, and super-ripped dude Sri Chinmoy,
leased the island from the city in 1977.
与1977年从纽约市政府手里租下来这座小岛 。
They rechristened it U Thant Island, to honor the third secretary general of the UN,
a former Burmese diplomat named U Thant, who was a friend of Sri Chinmoy.
前缅甸外交官同时也是钦莫伊好友的吴丹 。
They also did some light landscaping and erected a 30-foot metal “oneness arch.”
他们还在小岛上搞了点儿绿化,立起了一个高达9米的金属“单拱桥” 。
But they were only allowed to visit a few times a year,
because of the heightened security around its neighbor the United Nations.
因为附近的联合国安保非常严格 。
All remained peaceful on U Thant until 2004, when New York City hosted the Republican National Convention.
A filmmaker and artist named Duke Riley decided to protest by rowing a boat out to U Thant in the middle of the night,
unfurling a giant glow-in-the-dark flag from the navigation tower that’s on there,
and declaring it a sovereign nation, before being apprehended by the Coast Guard.
宣布这座岛是一个独立的国家,他后来被海岸警卫队给带走了 。
So I called the New York Office of Land Management and tried to schedule a visit.
所以,我决定给纽约市的土管所打电话,看能不能允许我上岛看看 。
Hey, I wanted to call and see if it’s at all possible to set up a time to go visit U Thant Island on the East River?
Oh, it’s not. At all, like, for anybody?
I did some checking, and he’s actually right — nobody is allowed to visit U Thant Island.
我核实了一下,他是对的——确实是任何人都不可以上吴丹岛 。
Turns out it’s now a protected sanctuary for migrating birds,
including a colony of double-crested cormorants that nest in the “oneness arch.”
双冠鸬鹚就在“单拱桥”上筑了巢 。
So you can’t actually go on it, but I still wanted to get as close as I could.
所以我们是不能真正到岛上去的,但我还是想尽可能地近距离地去那儿看一看 。
Despite a total lack of experience and a quickly approaching thunderstorm,
I jumped in a canoe and headed out onto the lovely East River.
我还是跳上了一只独木舟,朝东河出发了 。
We paddled through the water, passing Williamsburg and Roosevelt Island,
until we finally saw it in all its glorious, tiny splendor.
最后终于看到这个辉煌而渺小的岛屿了 。
To most people, it may look like just a pile of rocks in a filthy river.
在大多数人看来,这座岛不过就是一条污浊的河里的一堆石头 。
And ...I guess it sort of is.
我也觉得是这样 。
But there’s also something kind of wonderful about it too.
但这座岛也有很好玩的地方 。
Being up close to it made me realize that there’s something special about U Thant.
近距离地观察这座小岛,我意识到了吴丹岛的特别之处 。
Amidst the hustle and bustle and millions of people,
there’s this 125-year-old speck of land tucked away from—
So I learned a thing or two about what not to do when your canoe starts tipping over.
不管怎样我算是学到了翻船的时候什么是不可以做的 。
And as it turns out, I sort of did make it onto U Thant Island after all.
归根结底,我也算是来过吴丹岛了 。
Granted, it was in an effort to not drown in the East River, but I think it technically still counts.
诚然,我是为了不被淹死在东河里才爬上来的,但严格来说也算是上岛了吧 。
I didn’t die, which was good, and I’m glad I was actually able to see U Thant close up.
我没死,可以说是好事一桩,我很庆幸自己能够如此近距离地看到吴丹岛 。
But for now, I think I might just stick to this island, which is a little bit more my speed.
但此时此刻,我想我还是乖乖地呆在翡翠岛吧,这才是我的地盘 。