Cycling as a sport, as a hobby, and as a recreation, is just something that's opened up to everybody,
and I think that's one of the nice things about Dubai is that you find yourself becoming a big family.
而在我看来,迪拜的好处之一,就是你会发现自己变成了一个大家庭的一员 。
And Dubai welcomes everything like that.
迪拜欢迎这样的一切 。
The wind blowing, and it's raising your heart rate up.
风从耳边吹过,你的心率也会跟着加快 。
Everything else just starts to calm down.
而其他事情都会开始平静下来 。
You're just out there, completely you on your own, there's a wash of calm that just comes over you.
行走在路上,周围一个人也没有,你会觉得有一股平静的力量在你身上涌动 。
My name is Mark Beaumont, and I'm an endurance athlete with the current world record for cycling around the planet.
我是马克·博蒙特,是一名耐力运动员,我创下了骑自行车环游地球的当前世界纪录 。
Seeking adventures and finding stories is what I'm most passionate about.
探险和挖掘故事是我最大的爱好 。
Ever since I can remember, I've had that sense of curiosity about the world.
从我记事起,我就对这个世界充满了好奇心 。
This time I've come to Dubai.
这一次,我来到了迪拜 。
Today I'm meeting Stewart to find out how Dubai's cycling community is growing.
今天我约了斯图尔特,想跟他了解一下迪拜的自行车运动发展得怎么样了 。
When you get out in the morning on the Al Qudra cycle track and the sun rises over the desert,
there's just that palette of oranges and blues reflecting through,
and it's so quiet and so serene out there that I don't think that there's many places on Earth that are as beautiful or as picturesque to go out and ride.
周围是那么安静,那么安详,在我看来,这世上能够骑车,还这么美,这么风景如画的地方并不多 。
As it is now to what it was eight nine years ago, an immense change.
和八九年前相比,这边已经发生了巨大的变化 。
For now we have probably what is the most iconic cycling route in the world.
现在我们有了差不多是世界上最具标志性的自行车路线 。
What a dream as a bike rider, saying can we build you a cycle track in the desert?
Seven eight years ago, there was a handful of us out here on Al Qudra.
七八年前,我们当中只有一小部分人在库德拉这边骑行 。
Now on a Friday or Saturday morning, I'd say there are thousands of people out here.
现在,周五或周六早上,来这边骑行的人说上万都有 。
So what's the plan from here?
So now we're gonna go and find some hills out in Hatta, the Hajj mountain.
现在我们要去哈塔找一些山,找哈吉山 。
You can see what the hills in Dubai look like.
你可以看看迪拜的山长什么样 。
Superb, let's do it.
太棒了,那我们走吧 。
Do you see more and more riders out here, or do they tend to stick close to the city?
So good because it is a nice different challenge to people to come out to the mountains.
来这边骑也超棒的,因为来山区骑行对大家来说也是一个很不错的不一样的挑战 。
You think you're gonna be the only one when you get here, and yeah, good couple hundred riders out in a group.
你会想做那个唯一坚持骑到这里的人,是啊,一开始都好几百个人呢 。
I'm used to the highlands of Scotland, but these are certainly drier rockier
At this time of day, you can kinda see the way the light is starting to change and sort of cast those deep shadows.
这个时候,你可以看到光线开始变化,投下那些暗暗的阴影 。
I think you're gonna have to take a big deep breath now.
我建议你现在开始深呼吸了 。
Alley oop! Deep breath. It's another world up from the desert.
空中接力!深呼吸 。这上面跟沙漠完全是两个天地呢 。
Do you also kinda find that cycling gives people a different perspective on Dubai
because a lot of people, if they've not been here, or maybe they've been on holiday, will just picture that.
因为很多人,如果他们没有来过这里,或者只是来迪拜度度假,他们就只能想象到那个样子的迪拜 。
There's so many things that happen outside of the vibrant city that is Dubai.
在充满活力的城市迪拜之外,其他面貌的迪拜其实也都在发生日新月异的变化 。
You're a stone's throw away from a hustling bustle of a vibrant city.
你距离一个充满活力的城市的喧嚣只有咫尺之遥 。
You're a stone's throw away out into the desert to go and cycle or up to Hatta Mountains to go play in the mountains.
距离可以骑行的沙漠或者可以游玩的哈塔山也只有咫尺之遥 。
The lakes out on Al Qudra, the cycle track, the desert safaris, the camping that goes out, it's just an amazing place to live.
库德拉的湖,骑行,沙漠徒步,户外露营等等等等,迪拜是一个非常宜居的地方 。
Superb, let's crack on.
确实很赞,我们继续上路吧 。
Year on year, Dubai changes insanely fast, the infrastructure, the build,
certainly when it comes to cycling, I mean I've seen it in my world as a professional bike rider,
in the last ten years, that's just exploded in popularity globally.
过去十年里,骑行在世界各地的受欢迎程度都呈现出了爆炸式的增长 。
And here in Dubai, it's been matched with building of cycle tracks and huge investment and events popping up all over the place.
而在迪拜,相应的变化是各条自行车道的修建、巨额的投资和迪拜各地涌现的各种活动 。
I can see through spending quality time with Stewart, he's just passionate about the sport.
和斯图尔特共度的这段美好时光让我看到了他对这项运动的激情 。
He loves sharing that.
To land here and see somebody who is so ingrained in the culture and trying to make a change, to this great place to ride.
这份来到这里,看到和他一样深深扎根于迪拜自行车文化并努力改变的激情,来到这个伟大的地方骑行的激情 。