At first glance, visitors may not realize that inside this mosque is a multi-colored secret.
一眼望去,游客们或许并未发现这个清真寺内部是一个五彩的秘境 。
Located in Iran, the Nasir al-Mulk mosque is commonly known as The Pink Mosque,
due to the rose colored tiles that cover the interior, however, this is far from the only color found inside.
因为该寺内墙装饰有玫瑰色瓷砖——然而,玫瑰色远非该寺内部唯一的颜色 。
A wall of stained glass windows turns the interior into a rainbow wonderland.
一排马赛克玻璃窗将寺内变成了彩虹仙境 。
Built in 1888, the mosque took 12 years to complete.
莫克清真寺始建于1888年,历时12年才竣工 。
Nasir al-Mulk features plenty of traditional Islamic architecture elements, such as the arches and the central structure,
该寺的特色是寺内各式各样的伊斯兰传统建筑元素,比如这些拱门以及大堂的中央结构 。
however, the presence of stained glass windows, a design element relatively rare for mosques, makes this particular mosque a unique and stunning sight to see.
然而,色彩鲜艳的马赛克玻璃窗——清真寺少见这种设计元素——的存在,又让这座寺庙多了一份独特而动人心魄的韵味 。
The stained glass in Nasir al-Mulk was built to catch the morning sunlight as it reflects off the walls and the brightly colored Persian rugs on the floor.
阳光透过玻璃墙照到色彩鲜艳的波斯地毯上,马赛克玻璃窗就是专为引入清晨的阳光而设计的 。
The hope and intention was for the colors to create a peaceful atmosphere during early morning prayer.
目的是为了让这些多姿多彩的颜色给晨祷的人们带来平和的祈祷环境 。
The Nasir al-Mulk mosque has become as much of a destination for visitors seeking the perfect photo as those who still worship under the rainbow of light.
如今,莫克清真寺不仅是信徒们在五彩斑斓的阳光里祷告的地方,也是游客为拍摄完美照片的朝圣之地 。