Do you feel like you just can't get happy? Are you finding you're pulling away from friends?
Do you sometimes sit in your room in the dark not even realizing how many hours have passed?
Depression can affect anyone especially teens.
抑郁症可以影响到任何人,尤其是青少年 。
About 20% of all teens experience depression before they reach adulthood. That's a worrying statistic.
约有20%的青少年在成年前就经历过抑郁 。这个数据令人担忧 。
When singer Willow Smith, Will Smith's daughter came out and said she suffered with depression,
the comments at the bottom of many articles were attacking her saying what do you got to be depressed about.
A lot of people don't understand that mental illnesses don't discriminate between age or circumstance.
很多人不理解,精神疾病并没有年龄或环境之分 。
Often depression is even more difficult to recognize in young people than adults
because as a teen you experienced so many changes at this stage in your life.
因为作为青少年的你们在这个人生阶段中会经历很多变化 。
But the longer you feel this way, the more likely it's going to disrupt your life and turn into a long term problem.
但这种感觉持续的时间越长,它就越有可能扰乱你的生活并将其变成一个长期问题 。
So Psych2go shares with you five ways to recognize depression.
所以Psych2go要和大家分享5种识别抑郁症的方法 。
1. Continuous low mood or sadness.
1. 持续性的情绪低落或悲伤 。
Do you often feel very sad and low for a prolonged period of time?
If you're feeling this way, things that normally lift your mood won't bring the same joy and happiness.
如果你有这种感觉,通常能让你情绪高涨的事情将不会给你带来同样的快乐和幸福 。
You may feel low or cry for no specific reason. It's a good time to reach out and talk to someone.
你可能会感到情绪低落或无缘无故地哭泣 。此刻正是寻求帮助和别人交谈的好时机 。
2. Being irritable or intolerant of others.
2. 易怒或对他人不宽容 。
Irritability can be missed as a symptom of depression as you're often stereotyped as moody and irritable already.
易怒可以是一种被忽视的抑郁症症状,因为你已经被被定型为是一个喜怒无常、易怒的人 。
It's also a very common symptom of depression.
而这也是抑郁症的一种非常常见的症状 。
Often you'll have a very short temper and snap at people you love for no apparent reason.
通常你会脾气暴躁并无缘无故地对你爱的人发火 。
If you notice a change in your mood, it might be best to discuss it with someone, a parent,
a school counselor, a doctor or a friend.
学校辅导员、医生或朋友 。
Even if you think you're just having a rough time at school, it might not be depression
but talking it out helps to get the whole picture.
但把它说出来有助于了解整个情况 。
3. Showing feelings of helplessness.
3. 无助感 。
If you're suffering with depression, you'll feel out of depth like you aren't in control of your life.
如果你患有抑郁症,你会感觉无法掌控自己的生活 。
You can feel completely helpless and confused.
你会感到完全的无助和困惑 。
While these feelings are normal as you go through changes in your body and growing up,
be aware if the symptom persists for longer than a few weeks.
如果这些症状持续数周以上,你就得注意了 。
Feelings of unhappiness, worry, guilt, being fearful, helpless, hopeless or lonely
could all be signifying that something more serious is wrong.
都可能意味着有更严重的问题 。
4. Increasing social isolation.
4. 建增的社会隔离 。
Do you want to just be left alone? When you're not feeling like yourself and your mood is low,
it can lead to social isolation, it can be hard being around people
because you feel like you have to act like you normally would.
因为你觉得你必须表现得像平时一样 。
This emotional strain can cause you to give up socializing altogether.
这种情绪压力会导致你完全放弃社交 。
If you notice you're starting to withdraw from people, talk to someone
even if you feel you're just having difficulties with friends. it may not always be a sign of depression
即便你觉得你只是和朋友相处有困难 。这或许并不是抑郁症的征兆,
but dealing with it now can help stop it turning into something more.
但现在就处理它可以帮助阻止事态变得更严重 。
5. Little to no enjoyment of things you once liked.
5. 曾经喜欢的东西几乎已经没有兴趣了 。
Have you lost interest in being involved in after-school clubs, music practice or sports?
Do you feel like you don't want to go and are contemplating dropping out?
You might not even watch your favorite TV shows with as much interest.
你甚至对最喜欢的电视节目也提不起兴趣了 。
Not enjoying things you once liked could be a sign you're depressed.
不喜欢曾经喜欢的东西可能是抑郁症的迹象 。
Have you struggled with depression? What do you do to help? Psyche2go would love to know.
你曾与抑郁症抗争过吗?你是怎么做的?我们很想知道 。
Be sure to leave a comment below. Thanks for watching.
一定要在下方留有 。感谢收看 。