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As creatures of habit, what we do becomes the embodiments of who we are.
作为习惯生物,我们的所作所为变成了我们的化身 。
It's misleading to think that every success story blossoms from talent.
人们误以为每个成功的故事都是源于天赋 。
Although talent is a necessary component, it only makes up a small portion of what is required.
虽然天赋必不可少,但它在必备要素中仅占很小一部分 。
So what does the rest of success entail? Here are five Habits of Highly Successful People.
那么成功需要什么呢?以下是成功人士的5种习惯 。
1. They are self-disciplined and commits to their goals.
1. 他们很自律且坚持目标 。
Successful people don't rely on instant gratification, they understand the importance of sticking to their goals if they want to accomplish them.
成功的人不依赖于即时满足,他们明白如果想要实现目标,坚持很重要 。
Discipline is practice on a daily basis, so setting healthy boundaries is a habit commonly exercised.
他们很自律日复一日,所以设定健康的界限是普遍执行的习惯 。
It's not about being rigid or inflexible, instead discipline means learning not to waste your time
and motivating yourself to keep going even if the journey isn't fun at times.
并激励自己向前,即便这段旅程有时并不有趣 。
Successful people adapt to the healthy mindset that downfalls and fulfilling undesirable tasks are only temporary.
成功人士有着健康心态—失败和令人不快的任务仅仅是暂时的 。
They know that in the long run it'll all be worth it.
他们知道从长期来看,这是值得的 。
2. They focus on the big picture and take small steps every day to paint it.
2. 他们专注于大局,每天完成一小步 。
It's a common misconception to think that you have to plan big in order to succeed.
大家普遍误认为成功需要宏伟的计划 。
In reality, big projects are accomplished from taking small strides every day.
事实上,大项目的完成基于每天的一小步 。
Successful people know how to pace themselves and learn not to be misguided by the frustrations they face
or details that won't matter ten years from now.
或是十年后无关紧要的细节所误导 。
If you want to be successful, always take time to reflect and focus on why you're doing something.
如果你想成功,就需要经常花时间思考并关注你为什么要怎么做 。
This will help you hold on to your sense of purpose if at any point you begin to feel lost or unmotivated.
这将帮助你在开始感到失落或没有动力时坚持自己目标感 。
3. They are patient and flexible with their plans of actions.
3. 他们对自己的行动计划有耐心且灵活 。
Successful people understand that it's not always about work sometimes it's about making time to unwind and relax.
成功人士明白这不总是关于工作,有时还需要花时间放松一下 。
Strive for that balance between life and work to ensure you're also having fun,
this prevents you from feeling burnt out and you'll be ready to tackle your challenges for the next day again.
这能够你远离精疲力竭,并且能够让你为第二天需要克服的挑战做好准备 。
It's a common misconception to think that the more you work, the more you'll be head of the game.
普遍误以为做的越多就越占优势 。
When you work yourself into a state of exhaustion,
you put yourself in an unproductive miserable mood that can cause you to create your worst quality of work.
你自己会陷入没有效率的悲惨心态中,这种心态会创造出最糟糕工作质量 。
4. They practice resilience and view their bad days as learning experiences.
4. 他们会运用心理弹性并将糟糕的日子看做是学习经历 。
It's easy to get bogged down when something isn't going right but resilience is key if you want to keep going.
当事情出错时很容易就会陷入泥潭,但是如果想继续前进,心理弹性是关键 。
Famous people might make their success look easy when you see them in polished suits, smiling for the camera.
名人会让自己的成功看起来很容易,你会看到他们穿着精制的西装朝着镜头微笑 。
But there's no such thing as overnight success.
但是根本就没有一夜成名这回事 。
They had to fail many times before being recognized for their hard work.
在努力得到认可前,他们需要失败很多次 。
Sacrifices were made and many nights of uncertainty doubt and insecurity were experienced.
需要牺牲,需要体会多个夜晚的怀疑和不安 。
But one common habit all successful people practice is resilience. Learn to reflect on your bad days and find value in them.
但所有成功人士的一个普遍习惯就是心理弹性 。学会反思那些糟糕的日子并发现其中的价值 。
Growth doesn't happen during the good moments instead it comes from our experiences of finding the calm within the storm.
成长不会在美好的时刻中发生,相反在暴风雨中寻找平静的经历才会让你成长 。
5. They are not afraid to carve a path of their own.
5. 他们不害怕开辟出自己的道路 。
Successful people don't always stick to the status quo and our great strategist when it comes to achieving their dreams.
要实现梦想,成功人士并不总是坚守现状或是相信最伟大的战略大师 。
They don't necessarily follow someone else's footsteps and make their own rules if they have to.
他们并不需要紧跟别人的脚步,必要时,他们会制定自己的准则 。
When you want to succeed, it's important to remember that starting over can be beneficial in the long run.
想要成功,就需要记住从长期来看,重新开始可能是有益的 。
It may seem daunting at first to abandon months or even years worth of effort but
if your system isn't helping you grow then it's probably a good idea to invest your time in another plan.
但是如果你的体系无法帮助你成长,那么将时间投入其他计划会是个不错的想法 。
There's a difference between something that will eventually work and something that's bound to never work.
最终有效的计划和一定不会起作用的计划之间是有区别的 。
Use your judgment wisely and strategize effectively.
机智地利用你的判断并有效进行规划 。
What habits do you have to help you succeed in life? Please share your thoughts with us below.
你拥有什么样的习惯能够帮助你成功呢?请在下方和我们分享 。