I feel free when I fly the balloon.
飞热气球的时候我会觉得很自由 。
The feelings. The goosebumps that you get. It's amazing.
那种感觉 。你会起鸡皮疙瘩 。堪称惊艳的感觉 。
Living in Dubai gave me the opportunity to do something that I love.
住在迪拜让我有了做自己喜欢的事情的机会 。
You don't realize the real beauty of the desert until you see it from above.
不从空中看,你是意识不到沙漠真正的美的 。
My name is Mark Beaumont, and I'm an endurance athlete.
我叫马克·博蒙特,是一名耐力运动员 。
With the current world record for cycling around the planet,
seeking adventures and finding stories is what I'm most passionate about.
探险和挖掘故事是我最大的爱好 。
Ever since I can remember, I've had that sense of curiosity about the world.
从我记事起,我就对这个世界充满了好奇心 。
This time, I've come to Dubai.
这一次,我来到了迪拜 。
When I travel to anywhere new, it doesn't matter where I am on planet Earth,
I try and get to the high point.
重要的是我会努力去当地最高的地方 。
Whether it's the highest building or the mountain, to get a perspective on where I am; I love that.
无论是最高的建筑还是最高的山,因为这样能更好地看清脚下的那片土地;而且我是乐此不疲 。
I met with Edgora, a mum of two
and in training to become UAE's first female hot air balloon pilot to explore many of the heights of Dubai.
她已经是两个孩子的妈妈,并且即将成为阿联酋首位女热气球飞行员,目前正在接受这方面的训练 。
My name Edgora. I'm from Uzbekistan, and for the last 16 years I live here in Dubai.
我是埃德戈拉 。我来自乌兹别克斯坦,过去16年里,我一直住在迪拜 。
I'm a hot air balloon pilot in training, a wife, but most importantly, I'm a mother.
我是一个热气球飞行员,也是一位妻子,但最重要的是,我是一个母亲 。
My daughter, she's five now; my son, he's three; and Dubai is one of the best cities to have children.
我有一个五岁的女儿,还有一个三岁的儿子,而迪拜是最好的生育城市之一 。
There is so much to do; you can entertain them everyday, different stuff.
在这里你有很多事情可做;每天都能换着花样陪他们玩儿 。
After trying my first flight with Balloon Adventures,
being in the basket, the balloon floating through the air
and absorbing the whole beauty of the flight made me think, OK, this is what I want to do,
and my interests quickly became my passion.
之后,兴趣很快就上升成了热爱 。
To be first female hot air balloon pilot in the UAE makes me feel very grateful,
and I hope I can encourage other women to follow their dreams,
because that would make feel very honored.
因为那样会让我觉得非常荣幸 。
The feeling never changes each and every time you take off; you always feel like, “Wow.”
每次起飞的感受都不会变,你永远都会觉得,“哇 。”
I always feel the goosebumps; it's always nice.
我经常都会起鸡皮疙瘩;经常都会觉得很爽 。
You'd never get used to that; it's just magical, each and every time.
你永远都不会习惯;每次你都会觉得很神奇 。
When you're driving through the desert it kind of looks quite samey,
but when you fly above it, it's incredible how much change there is, especially at that first light.
但当你从沙漠上空飞过的时候,尤其是晨光初现的时候,你会惊奇地发现它发生了巨大的变化 。
When they turn the engines off, you hear nothing.
关掉引擎之后,你听不到任何的声音 。
That's beautiful, and you've just got the view and that space and that incredible horizon.
那很美,只有美景,只有天地一片苍茫之感以及美得令人难以置信的地平线 。
I've got to see so much of Dubai during this trip,
but that's a different perspective.
但从空中俯瞰迪拜完全是另一种体验 。
To fly over the desert is a pretty extraordinary view.
飞越沙漠能看到非凡的景致 。
It's unlike anything I've done; it's unique.
和我做过的其他事情都不一样,是一种独一无二的体验 。
One, two, three--Good morning!
Being adventurous, it is about the want to not just observe the world but the want to experience it.
作为一名冒险爱好者,我想要的不仅仅是观察这个世界,我还想要体验它 。
To make your own mind up, to think for yourself.
下定决心,独立思考 。
It's intrigue; it's interest.
它能激发我的好奇心;是我的兴趣所在 。
It's wanting to do things and explore and to ask the questions.
是想做点儿什么,想探索,想问问题的冲动 。
To be a hot air balloon pilot makes me feel very proud, very grateful.
成为一名热气球飞行员让我感到非常自豪,非常感激 。
From the first time that I was in a balloon and now, I feel that I have accomplished a lot,
and I'm looking forward to getting more and more experience and to share my passion with others.
我期待日后能积累越来越多的经验,并与他人分享我的这份热情 。