The party Mr. Farage now leads, the Brexit Party,
is expected to do well in the European Union’s parliamentary elections this week —
elections that Mrs. May had promised would never take place on the assumption Britain would be out of the bloc by now.
而本以为英国这时候应该已经脱欧成功的特蕾莎·梅曾承诺,这一选举根本不会发生 。
The Conservatives are braced for a collapse in support when the results are declared, on Sunday night or early Monday.
选举结果将于周日晚间或周一早间公布,但保守党已经做好了届时支持率暴跌的准备 。
If the results are as bad for the Conservatives as some lawmakers fear,
that could rattle the party and make the selection of a hard-line Brexiteer successor to Mrs. May even more likely.
可能会让该党感到不安,继而进一步加大他们选出强硬的脱欧派来继任梅的可能性 。
On the other side, many pro-Europe Remainers also are likely to have used the European elections to register their anger at the Brexit process,
voting for smaller and unabashedly anti-Brexit parties that back holding a second Brexit referendum.
投票给规模较小但毫不掩饰地反对脱欧,支持对脱欧进行二次公投的那些政党 。
If Mrs. May’s successor is a hard-line Brexiteer, killing the idea of a soft Brexit compromise,
Mr. Corbyn will face even more pressure to end his months of dithering on the issue and adopt a firmly anti-Brexit stance.
科尔宾将面临的,结束在该问题上长达数月的犹豫不决,转而采取坚定的反脱欧立场的压力就会更大 。
Mrs. May’s undoing came after her final, desperate effort to win passage of her withdrawal plan in Parliament.
在卸任之前,梅做出了最后一次拼命争取议会通过脱欧计划的努力 。
Conservative lawmakers reacted with fury after she softened her original Brexit plan,
notably by allowing Parliament to vote on whether to remain in a customs union with the European bloc
and also on whether it wanted another public referendum on the deal.
保守派的议员纷纷做出了愤怒的回应 。
Those ideas were anathema to hard-line Brexiteers who saw them as a betrayal of the 2016 referendum result,
but seen as far too mild by pro-Europeans in the Labour Party.
然而,在工党的亲欧派看来,那些妥协还是太过温和 。
Mrs. May’s successor will inherit a daunting political calculus, within the divided Conservative Party and inside Parliament.
就分裂的保守党内部和议会内部而言,梅的继任者将接手一项艰巨的政治考量 。
Mrs. May will continue as a member of Parliament after stepping down as prime minister.
辞去首相一职后,梅将继续担任国会议员 。
Her downfall echoed that of another Conservative Party leader undone by divisions over Europe, Margaret Thatcher,
complete with the sexist overtones of some of Mrs. May’s adversaries this week suggesting her husband step in to tell her she had to resign.
这周,还有对手发出了带有性别歧视的暗示,建议她的丈夫介入此事,告诉她她必须辞职 。
By the end of Friday, Mrs. May’s plea for a compromise was already running into stiff headwinds,
with a staunch Brexiteer and former leader of the Conservative Party, Iain Duncan Smith, writing,
“No, compromise in search of the lowest common denominator is not the way forward. It becomes a dirty word.”
“不,寻求最小公分母的妥协并不是前进的道路 。因为它已经变成了一句脏话 。”
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1. be braced for 准备好接受
Staff have been told to be braced for heavy criticism.
员工被告知要准备好接受强烈的谴责 。
2. even more likely 更可能
Poorer students now even more likely to drop out of school than richer peers.
贫穷家庭出身的学生辍学的可能性比更富有的同龄人的可能性更大 。
3. dithering on sth. 犹豫不决
"Dithering on the decision is really dangerous sometimes," Safferstone says.
“做决策时犹疑不定有时是十分危险的 。”萨弗斯通说 。
4. complete with 包含;还;
All our machines come complete with a three-year service warranty.
我们所有的机器都有保修三年这一服务 。