Restrictive trends have accelerated since the Supreme Court invalidated part of the Voting Rights Act five years ago,
with a number of states finding new ways to make it harder to vote.
若干州还想出了新的办法妨碍选民投票 。
Some have aggressively purged voters' registrations for inactivity.
一些州大肆清除选民登记的不投票信息 。
Still others have closed polling places.
还有一些州甚至关闭了投票站 。
Suspicions of political motives have fueled distrust and anger.
对这些举措背后的政治动机的怀疑加剧了人们对政府的不信任和愤怒 。
When construction required relocating the only polling place in the heavily Hispanic Dodge City, Kan., this month,
the local election official, a Republican, moved it four miles away, outside the city limits.
当地的选举官员,一名共和党人,便将该投票点迁到了4英里以外一个不再属于该市管辖范围的地方 。
Democrats cried foul, seeing a plot to discourage voting, which Republicans denied.
眼见这一妨碍投票的阴谋,民主党人大呼不公,但共和党人拒绝承认这一点 。
Democrats' concerns in Kansas were heightened
because of the involvement of the Republican secretary of state, Kris Kobach, in high-profile campaigns to crack down on voter fraud.
民主党人对堪萨斯州投票情况的忧虑进一步加深 。
Mr. Kobach championed a multistate system of checking registrations to prevent voters from casting ballots in two places at once,
a system that critics contend is seriously flawed.
批评者则认为该系统存在严重缺陷 。
A recent nonpartisan analysis estimated that it mistakenly flagged about 200 legitimate voters for every double registration it caught.
据最近一项无党派分析估计,该系统每次捕获到双重登记现象,都会误判将近200个合格选民的选票 。
Greg Shufeldt, an assistant professor of political science at Butler University who co-authored a recent study on electoral integrity,
said groups most affected by restrictive voting laws tended to lose confidence in the system, which can limit turnout as much as the laws themselves.
表示,受限制性投票法影响最大的群体往往会对该选举系统失去信心,由此对选举结果造成的影响不亚于法律本身存在缺陷的影响 。
"If you feel the system is set up in a way to disenfranchise people,
and you feel that the wheels of government are turning in a way to make people less likely to participate,
eventually you're going to have less trust in the system," Dr. Shufeldt said.
最终,你对系统的信任就会降低,” 舒菲尔特博士说 。
"And ultimately, you'll become less likely to participate."
“最终,你便不太可能再参与国家事务了 。”
Mr. Kobach, who lost the race for governor in Kansas this month, had been tapped to lead a White House panel investigating voter fraud
after Mr. Trump asserted, without evidence, that voting by millions of undocumented immigrants cost him the popular vote in 2016.
因为特朗普断言,但并没有给出证据,就是因为那数百万无证移民的投票,他才在2016年的全民公投中失利的 。
The panel disbanded without finding any widespread fraud.
该小组最终因为没有发现任何表明存在普遍欺诈的证据而解散了 。
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1. cry foul 大呼不公;怨声载道
Were the German government even to consider taking a stake in Opel, other German carmakers would cry foul.
即便德国政府真的考虑控股欧宝,其他德国厂商也会大呼不平 。
2. crack down on 打击;镇压
Since Mr Papandreou became prime minister, his government has been trying to crack down on habitual tax evaders.
自帕潘德里欧担任总理以来,他领导下的政府一直努力在打击习惯性的逃税者 。
3. lose confidence in 对……失去信心
Eventually, the Kremlin lost confidence in him just as it had lost confidence in Mr Luzhkov.
最终,克里姆林宫对他失去了信心,就像对卢日科夫一样 。
4. be tapped to 被任命为
Vice Adm. William McRaven, the current commander, has been tapped to lead Special Operations Command, which oversees all such troops.
目前的指挥官、海军中将麦克雷文被任命为特种部队司令部负责人,该司令部监管所有的特种部队 。