Britain Reels as May Departs.
特雷莎·梅卸任 英国步履维艰
Resignation Creates a Quandary over Brexit Plans
By Benjamin Mueller and Stephen Castle
LONDON — Prime Minister Theresa May announced her resignation on Friday
after three years of trying and failing to pull Britain out of the European Union,
throwing her country into an unpredictable situation
and setting off a bare-knuckled contest among other Conservative lawmakers to replace her.
也在其他保守派议员中间引发了一场为取代她而展开的激烈竞争 。
As she stood behind a lectern outside 10 Downing Street,
Mrs. May admitted that a different leader was needed to shepherd the split, known as Brexit.
梅承认,英国需要换一位领导人来领导这场分手,即所谓的“脱欧” 。
But she also warned that the unyielding stance taken by the hard-line factions of lawmakers who had proved her undoing would have to change.
但她也警告称,证明她失败了的强硬派议员必须改变他们不愿妥协的姿态 。
“To succeed, he or she will have to find consensus in Parliament where I have not,” Mrs. May said.
“要想成功,他或她必须带领议会达成共识,完成我未能完成的工作,”梅说 。
“Such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to compromise.”
“这样的共识,只有争论各方都愿意妥协才能达成 。”
Whether such compromise is even possible in Britain’s polarized politics is unclear at best.
然而,在政治两极分化的英国,这种妥协是否真有充其量也只是个未知数 。
Brexit has splintered both the Conservatives and the opposition Labour Party into warring factions
since the referendum that narrowly approved the departure on June 23, 2016.
这一提案就将保守党和反对党工党分裂成了敌对派系 。
A second referendum that could keep Britain in the European Union remains a distant possibility.
保住英国欧盟成员国地位的第二次公投仍然遥遥无期 。
But many Conservative lawmakers have grown more hard-line during Mrs. May’s long, fractious tenure
and now support leaving the bloc with no withdrawal deal at all —
a move opposed by a majority in Parliament
and one that most analysts warn could bring dire economic consequences.
还可能,多数分析人士警告称,带来可怕的经济后果 。
Mrs. May’s departure, eagerly anticipated even by members of her own cabinet,
is certain to mean a politically charged summer in Britain.
必然意味着英国的这个夏天将染上浓浓的政治色彩 。
Mrs. May said she would step down as Conservative Party leader on June 7,
a few days after President Trump makes an official state visit.
也即特朗普总统对英国进行正式国事访问的几天之后辞去保守党领袖一职 。
The contest to succeed her will begin the following week,
and Mrs. May will remain in office until her successor is chosen.
在继任者选定之前,梅将继续留任 。
Brexit, meanwhile, will remain in a state of suspended animation until a new leader is chosen.
与此同时,在选出新领导人之前,“脱欧”提案仍将处于假死状态 。
Britain was originally scheduled to leave the European bloc on March 29,
but the deadline was extended to Oct. 31 after Parliament refused three times
to pass the withdrawal agreement that Mrs. May had negotiated with European leaders.
脱欧的最后期限被延长到了10月31日 。
Boris Johnson, the former foreign secretary and a hard-line supporter of Brexit,
on Friday signaled an unflinching attitude, foreshadowing the tone for a leadership contest.
周五,他表现出了坚定的态度,言辞之中透露出他会加入首相之职的竞争队伍 。
He is a leading contender to replace Mrs. May.
他也是梅的继任者中的主要竞争者 。
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1. trying and failing to 努力……却未能如愿
Now, he is trying and failingto settle down.
现在他努力想稳定下来,却未能如愿 。
2. factions of 不同派系
Disputes between different factions of the party finally led to its fall.
党内派系的纷争最终让该党走向了瓦解 。
3. in a state of 处于……的状态
The country was in a state of siege, and tanks were lined up in front of the Presidential palace.
那个国家正遭到围攻,坦克都已经开到了总统府的门口 。
4. at best 充其量;最多
A piece of steak was such a little thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him.
区区一块牛排,最多不过几个便士,然而对他来说,却相当于三十英镑 。