Video games are more popular than ever.
电子游戏比以往任何时候都更受欢迎 。
Games like Fortnight have gone completely mainstream, and now almost everybody considers themselves a gamer.
像《堡垒之夜》这样的游戏已经完全成为主流,现在几乎所有人都认为自己是一名游戏玩家 。
In the past, video games have been looked down; they have been accused of causing habits of violence or addictive behaviors.
以前电子游戏一直被人看不起;人们指责游戏造成暴力习惯或上瘾行为 。
But what about the benefits of playing video games? Here are some reasons you might want to game hard in 2019.
但玩电子游戏有什么好处呢?以下是你或许想在2019年体验一把游戏的原因 。
1. Video games are linked with emotional stability.
1. 电子游戏与情绪稳定有关 。
Here at Psych2Go, we're all about helping and educating others on everything related to psychology,
and emotional stability is a huge part of that. A 2012 study suggested that immersive games in particular,
情绪稳定是其中很大的一部分 。一份2012年的研究表明沉浸式游戏
appear to be the most beneficial, because they allowed gamers to try out different versions of themselves.
最为有益,因为沉浸式游戏能让玩家亲身体会不同的自己 。
Games like Red Dead Redemption 2 are so immersive that people can go anywhere and do anything.
在像《荒野大镖客:救赎2》这样的沉浸游戏中,玩家可以去任何地方最任何事 。
We're allowed to explore our own personalities and see what fits best with our ideal selves.
我们可以探索自己的性格,看看最适合我们理想自我的性格是哪一个 。
And according to research, this helps a lot with emotional stability.
根据研究,这对情绪稳定很有帮助 。
3. Video games improved Visumotor coordination.
3. 电子游戏提高了视觉运动的协调性 。
You might have heard previously that video games improve hand-eye coordination, it's true.
你之前可能听说过电子游戏能提高手眼协调能力,这是真的 。
In fact, a recent study found that video games improve all Visumotor coordination
which is when vision and movement work together to produce actions.
即视觉和运动共同产生行动 。
For example, in First-Person Shooters, gamers must aim quickly and accurately at small targets.
例如在《First-Person Shooters》中,玩家必须迅速准确地瞄准小目标 。
In driving games, we make small steering adjustments at high speeds.
在赛车游戏中,我们会在高速下进行小的转向调整 。
When we boost our Visumotor coordination, we get better at all kinds of tasks,
including walking, driving, sports and even basic tasks, like getting dressed in the morning.
包括走路、驾驶、运动,甚至是基本任务,如早晨穿衣服 。
4. Playing certain video games boost social skills.
4. 玩某些电子游戏可以提高社交技能 。
We all know that in 2019, some of the best video games are the ones we can play online with our friends.
我们都知道现在一些最好玩的游戏都是可以和朋友们在线玩的 。
But until recently, no one really considered the benefits of these games.
但直到最近,还没有人真正考虑过这些游戏的好处 。
In 2014, a very interesting study was published on the subject,
which proposed that immersive social video games help gamers develop pro-social skills.
该研究提出沉浸式社交视频游戏有助于玩家发展亲社交技能 。
In these games, you have to figure out who you can trust, who to make friends with and how to lead a group.
在这些游戏中,你必须弄清楚你可以信任谁,和谁交朋友,以及如何领导一个团队 。
And yes, those skills can definitely be transferred from the game world in to the real world.
没错,这些技能绝对可以用于真实世界 。
5. Video games are linked with better vision.
5. 电子游戏和更好的视力有关 。
We've been told that staring at a screen all day is bad for our eyes, but what if video games actually improves our vision?
There have been quite a few studies on this.
这方面的研究已经相当多了 。
Games can boost visual contrast sensitivity, which is basically the ability to distinguish between different shades of gray.
游戏可以提高视觉对比度敏感度,这基本上就是区分不同深浅的能力 。
One study even found that video game treatments can cure a lazy eye, which is also known as amblyopia.
一项研究甚至发现电子游戏可以治愈弱视 。
That being said, don't stare at a screen all day playing video games with the excuse of trying to improve your eyesight.
话虽这么说,但不要以提高视力为借口整天盯着屏幕玩电子游戏 。
6. Video games might help with dementia.
6. 电子游戏可能有助于治疗痴呆症 。
Almost everyone's a little fearful of getting old, and one big reason is dementia. Once again, it's video games to the rescue.
基本每个人都害怕老去,其中一个主要原因是—痴呆症 。电子游戏或许可以拯救 。
A 2016 study found that playing video games helped older patients restore their cognitive functions.
一项2016年的研究发现,玩电子游戏可以帮助老年病人恢复他们的认知功能 。
This included benefits like improving walking abilities, better moods and better social interactions with friends and family.
这包括提高行走能力、改善心情以及与朋友家人更好的社会互动等益处 。
7. Video games can help teens blow off steam.
7. 电子游戏可以帮助青少年发泄情绪 。
Being a teen isn't easy and most of us remember having a lot of pent up emotions during this time.
作为一个青少年并不容易,我们大多数人都记得在这段时间我们有着很多压抑的情绪 。
If anybody needs to blow off some steam, it's your average teenager.
如果有人需要发泄一下,那就是普通的青少年 。
And according to a 2007 study, video games are a great way to do that.
根据一项2007年的研究,电子游戏是发泄的好方法 。
The study found that teens were relieving a lot of stress by playing video games.
该研究发现青少年可以通过玩电子游戏释放大量压力 。
So instead of causing aggression, video games might actually be helping teens vent by getting aggressive in the game world instead of the real world.
电子游戏不会引起攻击性,它们或许真的可以帮助青少年,让他们在游戏世界中发泄这些情绪 。
To summarize this video, what's your favorite video game? Comment below. Share this video with a friend of yours who plays.
总结一下本期视频,你最喜欢的电子游戏是什么?请在下方评论 。和你的玩伴分享本期视频 。
Also, we started a Patreon recently, if you'd like to support our mission to make psychology more accessible for everyone,
consider checking out the link in the description below.
请点击下方链接进行查看 。
Five people will randomly get a free physical Psych2Go to go magazine for simply donating two dollars or more a month.
只要每个月捐出两美元或更多,就会有五个人随机得到一本免费的《Psych2Go》杂志 。