Susan Cain's book Quiet was a catalyst for the introvert movement
that helps bring awareness towards personality types with a greater need for solitude and less stimulating environments.
帮助大家对那些需要更多孤独和更少刺激性环境的性格类型有了更多的理解 。
With 1/3 to half of the world's population made up of introverts,
it's great that we finally began to acknowledge and talk about the unique set of traits and tendencies.
我们最终开始理解并谈论这一独特性格的特征和趋势 。
Along with introversion, sensitivity has also made the headlines and been widely discussed.
除了内向性之外,敏感性也是成为热议话题并被广泛讨论 。
The personality trait was first researched by Dr. Elaine N. Aron in 1991.
1991年伊莱恩·阿龙首次对这种人格特质进行了研究 。
All of her important findings have been published in various articles and in her book The Highly Sensitive Persons.
她所有的重要发现都发表在了各种文章以及她的作品《高敏感人群》中 。
Although it's a trait being acknowledged more, Aaron states that sensitive people are still often considered the minority of the population.
虽然人们对这种人格特质有了更多了解,但阿龙表示敏感人群仍被认为占人口的少数部分 。
She emphasizes that culture plays a large role towards how sensitivity is valued.
她强调文化在敏感性的重要程度中起到很大的作用 。
Aron writes, "In cultures where it is not valued, HSPs tend to have low self esteem. They are told 'don't be so sensitive' so that they feel abnormal."
阿龙写到,“在不重视敏感的文化中,高敏感人群自尊感很低 。他们被告知‘不能这么敏感’,这让他们感到不正常 。”
We want to raise this issue and help promote more acceptance towards highly sensitive people.
我们想提出这个问题并帮助提高人们对高敏感人群的接受程度 。
Approximately 70% of the introverted population is made up of HSPs.
内向性格人口中,有近70%的人是高敏感人群 。
Not all introverts identify as HSPs but there seems to be an overlap between the two traits that's too important to ignore.
并不是所有内向的人都是高敏感人群,但两种性格特质间有重合部分,这种重叠非常重要不容忽视 。
Here's eight signs you're a highly sensitive person.
以下是高敏感人群的八种特征 。
1. You feel deeply and tend to be more emotionally reactive.
1. 深入感受,更容易做出情绪化反应 。
Have people often call you deep when you provide your insights? Then you may be an HSP.
当你提出自己的见解时,有人说你的见解很深入么?那么你可能是高敏感的人 。
HSPs tend to feel things more deeply and are more naturally inclined to react emotionally towards situations.
高敏感人群常会更加深入感受,也会更加自然地对事件做出情绪化反应 。
Dr. Ted Zeff, author of The Highly Sensitive Persons Survival Guide writes,
"They like to process things on a deep level, they're very intuitive and go very deep inside to try to figure things out."
“他们喜欢在深层次处理事情,他们直觉很好且会尝试在深层次解决问题 。”
Overall, HSPs are empathetic and care a lot for others when they're having a tough time.
总的来说,高敏感人群能够感同身受,对那些遭遇困难的人十分关心 。
Since your emotions run deep, when others suffer, you can also feel their pain.
因为你情感的深入,当别人受难时,你也能感受到他们的痛苦 。
This helps you stay open-minded when you can easily put yourself in the shoes of another and understand what that person is going through.
这能够帮助你保持思维的开阔,你可以轻易为别人设想,理解他们的遭遇 。
2. You prefer to exercise alone.
2. 喜欢单独锻炼 。
Highly sensitive people often avoid team sports because they are uncomfortable with an audience watching their every move.
高敏感人群通常会避免团队运动,因为有观众观看他们活动让他们感到不适 。
According to Dr. Zeff, the majority of HSPs gravitate toward solitary sports such as running, hiking and bicycling.
泽夫博士表示,大多数高敏感人群倾向于独处运动,比如跑步、徒步以及骑车 。
This allows time for you to reflect and get away from overstimulating environments as you simultaneously work on reaching your fitness goals.
这些运动能够让你完成健身目标的同时,给你时间反应并逃离过度刺激的环境 。
However, in some circumstances, HSPs may enjoy playing in team sports
if they are brought up by a parent who provided a supportive environment that made it easier for them to get involved.
前提是如果他们的父母为他们营造了支持性的环境,让他们更容易参与活动 。
If you were encouraged by a nurturing family and good friends, then you may find yourself flourishing in team sports, too.
如果你的父母和好朋友鼓励你的话,你或许会发现自己也能在团队运动中大放光彩 。
Nurturing one sensitivity is the key to helping them grow comfortable with activities they may not be naturally inclined to enjoy
because it allows them to feel safe to take risks.
所以他们无法享受这些活动 。
3. It takes you longer to make decisions because you are concerned about making a wrong or bad decision.
3. 花更长时间做决定,因为你担心做出了错误或不好的决定 。
When you're sensitive, it takes you more time to make decisions, even though there may not be a right or wrong one.
如果你是敏感的人,那么你会花更多时间来做决定,即使根本就不存在正确或错误的选择 。
For instance, it may take you longer than others to choose what you want to eat from a restaurant menu.
例如,你会花更多时间选择菜单上的菜 。
This is because you have a tendency towards weighing all the options that are provided
even if you already have a good idea about what you want to choose from the menu
you can't help but think about the what-ifs and explore the possibility of other dishes based on their descriptions.
你无法不去想那些假定推测并根据菜品的描述探究其他菜的可能性 。
As a result, when it comes to making big life-changing decisions such as where you want to move or what career you want to work,
you may often feel paralyzed and overwhelmed by the various potential outcomes you imagine from each possibility.
你或许常会感到无力并被各种可能性所衍生出来的潜在后果所包围 。
4. You pay attention to subtlety and small details in general.
4. 关注细微和细节 。
You're sensitive to changes in your immediate environment and the people who surround you.
你对直接环境和周围人的变化非常敏感 。
You may notice the small details such as the new color someone paints their nails or the tiny crack on someone's lamp that wasn't initially there.
你或许会注意到一些小细节,比如某人做了新指甲或是某人台灯的微小破裂 。
When you identify as a highly sensitive person, it's hard for you to miss subtlety because you're prone to reading between the lines.
如果你是敏感的人,你会很难去忽视那些细节,因为你易于体会言外之意 。
Generally, as someone who has a lot welling up inside you, you make it a habit to notice things because everything affects you strongly.
通常,作为一个内心情感爆棚的人,注意事物成为了你的习惯,因为这一切都强烈地影响着你 。
5. You are highly conscientious and have extremely good manners.
5. 高度尽责且非常有礼貌 。
When you're highly sensitive, you care a lot about the way you present yourself and how your own actions may affect others.
如果你是敏感的人,你会关注呈现自己的方式以及你的行为会怎样影响他人 。
You tend to be considerate towards others needs and want to do things in a way that creates convenience rather than causing trouble for them.
你易于考虑别人的需求,想以一种即便捷又不会麻烦到别人的方法做事 。
You put a lot of effort in even the smallest actions,
such as making sure you put an item back where you got it from as you're shopping to prevent troubling a staff member to do it.
比如,自己将商品放回原位,避免麻烦店员 。
You’re the type of person to always thank your waiter at the end of the night for their service and leave a generous tip.
你总会在最后感谢为你们提供服务的店员并慷慨地留下小费 。
It leaves you feeling uncomfortable when you're not exhibiting polite mannerisms to the best of your ability.
当你没有展现出最有礼貌的举止时,你会感到不适 。
6. You are prone to having anxiety or depression, especially if you have many bad past experiences.
6. 你易于焦虑或抑郁,特别是如果你经历过很多不好的遭遇 。
As an HSP, if you experience a lot of negative events in your life, you may have developed anxiety or depression over the years.
作为一名高敏感的人,如果你在生活中经历过很多消极事件,那么多年后,这或许会发展成焦虑症或抑郁症 。
According to Dr. Aron, this is because your nervous system often operates in anxious mode when you don't feel safe in your environment.
根据阿龙博士所说,这是因为当你在所处环境中感到不安全的时候,你的神经系统就会经常在焦虑的情绪中运行 。
Your nervous system is meant to alert you about potential danger,
so when it's used to doing that in abundance it causes you to stay on edge for long periods of time.
所以当你的神经系统习惯于此后,会让你长时间处于紧张状态 。
This is why it's crucial to have parents who nurture your sensitivity with just the right amount of care.
这就是为什么父母要以正确方式培育高敏感人是关键的原因 。
If they make you feel ashamed for being sensitive, it prevents you from understanding and using your sensitivity in a productive way that can help you grow.
如果父母让你觉得高度敏感是可耻的,那么这就阻碍了你对高度敏感的理解,也阻碍了你以一种有利成长的方式利用自己的敏感 。
But if they protect you too much because of your sensitivity, then it may cause you to have difficulty making transitions in life and adapting to new situations.
但是如果父母由于你的敏感而过度保护你,那么这或许会导致你很难在生活中过度以及适应新环境 。
7. Violent or horror movies are not your cup of tea.
7. 暴力或恐怖电影不是你的菜 。
When you're highly sensitive, you are overly stimulated by violent or horror films that sensation seekers often get a good adrenaline rush from.
如果你是敏感的人,暴力或恐怖电影会过度刺激你,而寻求刺激者则会获取肾上腺素的飙升 。
Realize that there's nothing wrong with turning down horror movies.
意识到拒绝看恐怖电影并没有错 。
Your nervous system will be much happier that you did what's best for you.
你的神经系统会因此更快乐,因为你为它做出最好的选择 。
8. You work well in team environments.
8. 在团队环境中也能做得很好 。
When you're highly sensitive, you tend to be a deep thinker, this makes you a valuable person in team settings
because you're able to analyze situations and figure out how everyone's strengths and talents can be used to help the team work more efficiently.
因为你能分析局势并找出每个队员的优势和天赋,并利用这些优势帮助团队更有效率地工作 。
In addition, you can also identify many of the pros and cons when it comes to decision making.
此外,在做决定时,你还能辨别出其中好与坏 。
However, you may not be comfortable with being the person in charge of making the actual decisions.
然而,成为那个负责做决策的人或许会让你感到不安 。
Instead, you may like to play the role of someone who negotiates and helps facilitate discussions rather than the person who has to take action
Still, with the right amount of encouragement in good practice,
HSPs can make exceptional leaders with their ability to empathize with their co-workers and having an open mind when problem-solving.
感染同事的能力以及遇到问题时的开放性思维能让高敏感的人成为一名异常出色的领导者 。
Would you consider yourself a highly sensitive person? Do you agree with these points?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below, don't forget to subscribe and thanks for watching.
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