Love is an intense and life-changing experience.
爱是强烈的经历,人生也会因而改变 。
Some of them believe in true love, while others claim that it's a deep, unconditional feeling.
一些人相信真爱,而一些人则称爱是深沉且无条件的感觉 。
Sounds over the top, right? Either way, people go 'gaga' over it. After all, what's life without love?
听起来很夸张,但两种说法都太过天真了 。毕竟,没有爱,生活还有什么意义?
Here are 5 interesting facts about love.
以下是关于爱的五种真相 。
1. It only takes 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not.
1. 喜欢不喜欢一个人,仅需4分钟决定 。
This actually has very little to do with smooth talking and other conventional flirting techniques.
其实喜不喜欢和花言巧语以及其他常见调情技巧没什么关系 。
In fact, it's mostly dependent on body language, the tone and speed of our voice. Only 7% of what we say actually matters.
事实上,这主要取决于肢体语言、语调和声音的速度 。仅7%的说话内容起作用 。
2. Your nerve cells work better during the first year of being in a loving relationship.
2. 你的神经细胞在恋爱第一年比较高效 。
Everyone's bodies contain a protein called Nerve Growth Factor,
which is responsible for the functioning of some of our sensory nerves.
负责一些感觉神经的运作 。
This protein tends to work more effectively during the first year that you're in love with someone.
这种蛋白质通常在恋爱的第一年更加高效 。
When we're in love, our senses are heightened, and our 'Fight or Flight' response system is on-guard.
恋爱时,我们的感觉功能得到提升,我们的‘战斗还是逃跑’反应系统保持警惕 。
It's the most optimal during the early stages of love, which is why couples in love feel more happy and optimistic.
恋爱早期阶段是最佳时段,因此情侣们会感觉更加快乐和乐观 。
Falling in love can be as addictive as nicotine. Have you heard of dopamine?
恋爱可以像尼古丁一样上瘾 。你有听过多巴胺么?
Most people who've heard of it knows that it involves good feelings. They're exactly right.
听过的大部分人都知道多巴胺让你产生快乐的感觉 。没错!
Dopamine is a chemical that's released during the initial stage of the relationships.
多巴胺是一种化学物质,在恋爱初期阶段释放 。
It's responsible for the rush of pleasure and excitement we often experience.
负责涌出我们经常体会到的快乐和刺激 。
Since dopamine's also activated when you use nicotine, you can imagine how addictive love can be.
使用尼古丁时也会激活多巴胺,所以你可以想想爱情有多么的上瘾 。
4. Many adolescents who experience puppy crushes, also experience a lot of anxiety.
4. 很多恋爱的青少年也会体会到很多焦虑感 。
Teenagers often get a bad rep from popular culture, for being rebellious and over idealistic about their future.
青少年通常受流行文化的负面影响,反抗未来或是对未来过度理想化 。
But parents, and adults should be more considerate when teenagers experience puppy crushes.
但是父母们以及成年人们应该在青少年陷入热恋时更加体谅他们 。
According to Dr. Carl Pickhardt from Psychology Today,
《今日心理学》杂志的Carl Pickhardt博士表示
the awakening of romantic feelings can cause significant anxiety and those who are still trying to figure out their own identity.
浪漫感觉的觉醒可以导致明显的焦虑,让他们想要弄清自己的身份 。
If you're sensitive about the way others perceive you, and want to have a strong desire to belong,
your desire for intimate attachment and bonding could lead to anxiety about potentially losing it.
那么你对亲密接触和关联的渴望会导致对失去的焦虑 。
5. True love is friendship set on fire.
5. 真爱是情绪激昂的友谊 。
Thanks to Hollywood, people mistake fighting and make-up sex for true, passionate love.
由于好莱坞,大家都以为争吵和虚构的性是源于真实激情的爱 。
But, according to research, true love manifests as supporting one another's interests, growing together,
and being considerate of each other's feelings. In other words, you're besties!
以及体谅彼此的感受 。换句话说,你们就像好朋友一样!
Despite all the research done on love, to this day, it still remains an enigma.
尽管有很多关于爱的研究,但至今爱仍是一个谜 。
Which of these facts did you find the most interesting? What do you think? Leave a comment below.
你觉得以上哪个事实最有趣?你怎么看?请在下方评论告知 。
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