If you're in a happy relationship, you probably know that it's not all rainbows and sunshine like most people would believe.
如果你处在一段幸福的关系中,你或许知道恋爱并非大多数人以为的那样都是彩虹和阳光 。
Relationships take hard work, it takes teamwork and companionship to make a relationship a happy one.
维持关系需要努力,需要合作和陪伴才能拥有美满的关系 。
Want to know what you can do to make your relationship the best it could be?
Psych2go presents to you 12 things couples do to make their relationships the happiest they can be.
Psych2go给大家带来情侣能做的12件事,让恋爱关系甜蜜至极 。
1. They cuddle.
1. 拥抱 。
Happy couples like to be physically close with each other.
幸福的情侣喜欢身体上的相互亲密 。
Physical affection, hugging, kisses, hand-holding, cuddling are always the healthy couples reinforce their bond.
身体上的亲密、拥抱、亲吻、握手和搂抱能让情侣们巩固他们的纽带 。
Studies have shown that couples who show the most physical affection towards each other last much longer than those who don't.
研究表明表现出对彼此身体亲密的情侣关系持续更长 。
2. They give PDA.
2. 他们会秀恩爱 。
Happy couples don't just leave all the love at the door, they enjoy public displays of affection.
幸福的情侣不仅仅在家里恩爱,他们还喜欢在公开场合秀恩爱 。
3. They spend time together.
3. 他们花时间呆在一起 。
Quality time is important because it provides couples the chance to give each other their
undivided attention and strengthen their relationship.
和增进关系的机会 。
Sometimes it can feel hard to fit time into your weekly schedules to have fun with each other
but quality time doesn't have to be complicated, a quick lunch date, a walk around your favorite store
and at home movie night, it's all up to you.
还是在家看电影,随你喜欢 。
4. They give each other space.
4. 给彼此空间 。
Nobody's meant to spend every waking moment with each other
even the happiest of couples can get on each other's nerves from time to time.
即便是最快乐的情侣偶尔也会让彼此心烦意乱 。
Sometimes we crave time to recharge on our own.
有时我们渴望给自己充电的时间 。
People in stable relationships understand this about each other and don't take these timeouts personally.
关系稳定的情侣们明白这一点,知道这些暂停的时刻并不是针对个人 。
Time apart is time to work on your own personal activities and to miss your partner.
分开的时间是专注自己个人活动,思念伴侣的时刻 。
5. They go out of their way for each other.
5. 为彼此而努力 。
Couples in healthy relationships tend to do nice things for each other without keeping score or looking for something in return.
关系健康的情侣会不求回报的为彼此做些善举 。
Why? Because it feels good to do something nice for your partner.
为什么?因为为伴侣做一些美好的事情感觉超棒 。
These acts of service can be as simple as doing the dishes or as time-consuming as picking them up from work.
这些事可以像洗碗一样简单或是像接他们下班一样耗时 。
6. They communicate.
6. 沟通 。
Happy couples are just like everyone else. They disagree and they have arguments.
幸福的情侣和大家一样 。他们也会争吵 。
The difference between a happy couple and a struggling one?
Happy couples can talk through their problems without bringing up unnecessary things or trying to hurt each other's feelings.
幸福的情侣可以在不谈及不必要事情或伤害对方感情的前提下沟通他们的问题 。
7. They joke around.
7. 会开玩笑 。
Happy couples are friends as much as they are romantic partners
and that means being able to have fun with each other.
这意味着能和对方玩的开心 。
People in happy relationships feel free to be their sillyselves around each other.
幸福的情侣无拘无束的在彼此身边做傻傻的自己 。
Being able to joke around with your partner can have an amazing impact on your relationship.
和伴侣开玩笑对你们的关系有着奇妙的影响 。
8. They can talk seriously.
8. 他们可以认真地交谈 。
Joking around is always fun but happy couples also know when to be vulnerable with each other.
开玩笑很有趣,但幸福的情侣也知道什么时候向对方展示脆弱的一面 。
Sometimes we just need to have our moments to tell our partners that they mean the world to us.
有时我们只需要告诉对方他们是我们的全世界 。
Other times when we've had a rough day,
all we want is to be able to vent to our partners and have them comfort us.
我们所想要的是能够向他们发泄并得到他们的安慰 。
Healthy couples understand that lending an ear and empathizing with our partner can work wonders.
健康关系的情侣明白倾听和同感能够创造奇迹 。
9. They check in on each other.
9. 他们互相问候 。
Things like work in school are sure to keep couples separated during an average week.
像在学校工作这样的事情会让情侣们平均一周分隔两地 。
These couples understand the importance of checking in with each other.
这些情侣明白相互问候的重要性 。
According to research updating each other every now and then helps to prevent either party from feeling taken for granted.
研究表明,每隔一段时间更新一下彼此的状态有助于防止任何一方感到理所当然 。
Keeping tabs also helps partners to feel supported in your daily goals and aspirations.
发短信也能帮助伴侣感受到对方的支持和渴望 。
10. They choose each other.
10. 他们互相选择 。
Happy couples understand that real love is a choice. Lasting love is as much a commitment as it is a feeling
幸福的情侣明白真爱是一个选择 。持久的爱情更像是一种承诺和一种感觉
and happy couples understand that they both have to want to make things work.
幸福的情侣们明白他们都想维护这段关系 。
11. They brighten each other's day.
11. 他们照亮了彼此的每一天 。
People in happy relationships understand that it takes an effort to keep the romance alive.
幸福的情侣明白保持浪漫需要付出努力 。
They can find small ways to make their partners happy.
他们能找到让伴侣开心的小方法 。
Sometimes the gesture can be as small as making your partner their favorite coffee in the morning
or sending them a cheesy I love you text just because.
或是给他们发送一条‘我爱你’的短信 。
12. They plan their future together.
12. 他们共同计划未来 。
Happy couples understand the importance of coordination
this can be especially important when it comes to working towards the future.
当谈及为未来而努力时,这一点尤为重要 。
Happy couples truly feel that they are a team and work to build the future.
幸福的情侣真的觉得他们是一个团队,共同努力构建未来 。
They plan out every aspect of their future such as marriage, having kids, where your careers will take you,
where you might live together one day.
住在哪的问题 。
All while making compromises to ensure that the both of you will be happy.
做出妥协以确保你们都能够幸福 。
Do you have a tip you like to share on how to keep things happy?
Let us know in the comments down below. We'd love to know what you think. Thanks for watching.
请在下方评论告知 。我们想知道大家是怎么想的 。感谢收看 。